Hamburger Casserole
Hamburger Casserole
I alwas say “excuse me” or “sorry” when sneezing just like I would say if I burped. And I hate those “bless you”.
I got one about 3 months ago and I am still in awe at how nice everything looks on it. If you are on the market for q new tv and can afford it go with OLED even a 55 OLED will be better than a 65 LED similarly priced.
I got one about 3 months ago and I am still in awe at how nice everything looks on it. If you are on the market for…
I have tons of purses then. Happy now?
This sounds like a great idea. And since one I live literally 2 min away from CHQ and two I work here, I will pass this suggestion along.
Wow I used to eat this as a kid. I had totally forgotten about it. I need to make this asap and relieve some of my childhood. Thanks.
You have issues
You have issues
I moved from YNAB (classic) to the new YNAB web about 9 months ago. At first, I was complaining about all the missing things compared to the classic version. But the service has been getting better and I don’t miss the old version anymore. YNAB is an amazing app if you really like budgeting (I do). For $5 a month YNAB…
Sounds great I bet all the toxins and awful stuff on the snow will make for a great topping.
This surely applies here. New Rule: Stop Apologizing | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
You can add them to a specific notebook on evernote.
I admit it. I am guity of this 😬
I went for a 256gb mattle black 7+. I don’t care about the jack. Most of my headphones are wireless and for the one that aren’t a couple of adapter will fix that.
I have not try Swappa or Glyde I guess I will have to research this two before settling with my go to Amazon Trade In I like ATI because is fast no bs I always get what they quote me and they pay way more than Gazelle. For example right now for a flawless 128gb unlocked iPhone 6S Gazelle is offering me $298 while…
I’ll happily take a little excessive caution over having my account broken into because something unlikely happened.
Well I guess it’s time to come with another unique super long password to use inly on DB, just like the one I am been forced to replace. Not everyone reuses the same password but we all get inconvenience every time a service get hack.
Or get a foldable foundation like this one I got it to us with my Casper mattress. No assembly or cutting required ohh and no squeaking noise.
I spent about $400 on a couple of delas including the Joby Gorillapod Focus and PvZ2
I know and I am not just been ranting without doing anything about it. I have been actively pushing for changes to the school board but most people rather move than fight for change specially when they get vilify for demanding some kind of accountability.
$350k is the assesed value of the house not the market value and the amount that gets taxed. And no I don’t feel my taxes are well spent thats the issue. The solution is not to pack and move why can we work to change something thats clearly wrong.