Fuck that lady, and fuck her victim-blaming. Her rapist hubby got to keep his pension. She should be happy now.
Fuck that lady, and fuck her victim-blaming. Her rapist hubby got to keep his pension. She should be happy now.
Vodka tampons seem like the worst possible idea. That's the part of my body that makes the worst decisions while drunk; I don't want to be an enabler.
Oh, my, Mark. Wood a woman ever use one? That question just gives me a mi-grain. You know the old saw about the tree falling in the forest . . . . Fir God's sake. Next topic, oak-kay?
Is any amount of varnish going to overcome the porosity of the wood? Putting non-single use porous items in any body cavity is probably not a good idea.
Oh fir shit's sake.
I am CRYING. I am crying from laughing over "Jesus Tapdancing Christ!" I am now imagining a full musical. Jesus and his 12 jazzy disciples.
I like to see you doing the due diligence.
I believe the buzz word Jezebel uses to describe what you just did is "concern trolling". Parents shouldn't leave their children to scour the internet alone unless they are prepared for them to see porn. Your rational for not wanting my little porny can be used against any sort of fan fic porn/dinosaur/sasquatch…
Living deep in the bible-belt and being a 30-something, vagina-having, marriage-free, childless, world traveling, home owning, sex liking woman with no plans to change any of those things, I get the "why buy the cow" comment quite often.
I was really enjoying this until the blatant and ignorant criticism of Islam under the guise of criticizing sexism. In France there is a huge amount of racism against Muslims, and it is not uncommon for people to claim that the religion is inherently sexist and thus primitive while using the hijab as an example of how…
I hate we don't seem to care when contestants resort to dietary extremes when they are still overweight, but then freak out when a thinner contestant does it.
Thanks. Yeah, it just sucks that there isn't an easy way to get around it. I'm one of the people who was totally demoralized when I left, in part because of these issues. We philosophers tend to think of ourselves as being very good at reflection and it is just especially disappointing when failure to do so (again, by…
I am totally worried about setting a poor example for my daughter when I have sex with this person I barely know then turn around and treat her like crap.
As I said, I was there. The University was incredibly hard to work with. But there were many good people in the department (mostly graduate students, but many faculty too) who were consistently trying to make positive changes. One of the positive changes that the hard working people brought about was to invite the APA…
Having been there (literally), I can tell you that it was through a shit ton of work, mostly done by graduate students.
I too can only offer anecdotal (but direct) evidence. In my experience the phil dept at CU was especially, egregiously insufferable in a city that practices a very advanced level of insufferability*.
This woman looks calm because she is majoring in applied geometry.
To put this into perspective - the Olympic games are an entire Kenya over budget. Even if you're embezzling money, where the hell does $40 billion just come from?
Oh look. Another comment by someone on how shitty Tracie is.