plus, learning how to cook those things in a way to feel full, or not feel like you're eating livestock fodder, is kinda tough. Especially when your palate is conditioned to find salt, animal fat, and other non-vegan flavors tasty.
plus, learning how to cook those things in a way to feel full, or not feel like you're eating livestock fodder, is kinda tough. Especially when your palate is conditioned to find salt, animal fat, and other non-vegan flavors tasty.
my CSA charges $185/mo for a 1 person share. Cherry tomatoes from them cost $2/pint. That's about $1.50-$2.00 more than someone with a strict budget can afford for tomatoes that can barely feed two people. It's expensive to eat well in the US unfortunately. And super cheap produce isn't all that healthy, really.
But that's not even what PETA is about. Their shelter kill rate is 92%. They aren't militant animal rights activists. They're all about themselves and use animal rights as a cover.
Is it possible to be a "junk food vegan" in the same way as one can be a "junk food vegetarian"? That's the only way I imagine people who can't afford their water bills could possibly afford to be vegan.
I like to get all the free formula checks that Enfamil and Simlac send to new moms and pair them up when my store is have a sale. I can normally get about $100 dollars worth of formula to the women's center every few months. I figure it is the some form of contrition to my community for all my bad driving.
Vegan meals are also a cost-effective way to help prevent health problems such as diabetes,
And completely unavailable in many parts of Detroit. They don't sell kale at 7-11 or the gas station.
Fuck PETA. Seriously.
Because safe access to water is a basic human right, or should be. Making it dependent on someone eating in a specific way is inhumane — it's like if Doctors Without Borders only cared for refugees who professed certain religious beliefs. If PETA was actually in this to help people and animals and not to stir up…
Also being vegan takes a hell of a lot more than just a decision to up and do without first becoming educated about how to safely and healthily eat vegan. You need to make sure you get enough iron, protein, calcium and other essential dietary components from non-meat and dairy sources which isn't something you just…
If you can't afford to pay your water bill it's unlikely you can afford to be a healthy vegan.
PETA : veganism :: Dawkins and online atheist movement : atheism.
Well, that and:
That's a stupid ad. You can still be fat and be vegan or vegetarian. You could eat nothing but pizza and ice cream, and be vegetarian or gorge on those stupid vegan cupcakes people pull out sometimes as haute culture*. You cannot just 'become' that without proper research to make yourself eat well and especially if…
Produce is expensive, PETA. Kindly pull your head out of your ass.
It's because they are acting like boobs.
I concur. Between that sign up top there and their tone-deaf nonsense going on in this post, I want to buy a pound of bacon and go eat it in front of them now. And I'm not a person who eats meat. Quit making everyone vegan look bad, you jackasses.
Fuck this noise.
"And everyone can buy their vegan groceries at their local co-op or Whole Foods."