
I love that this is the archetype conservatives point at when calling liberals weak, but there has been this constant droning refrain since November 9 that “we voted for an incompetent bigot because your liberal condescension hurt my feewings”

Bullshit. Bring in more revenue. Obamacare extended the solvency of Medicare by over a decade. Tens of millions of people rely on Social Security as their only source of income. Cutting benefits puts them out on the streets to die.

FYI, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

Please do tell how countries like Canada or England manage to stay afloat with “entitlement programs” such as universal healthcare, and why it is such a difficult thing for the US, where kids can get killed just for being at school, to do so. How is it not a huge burden in other countries but somehow unacceptable for

So you have friends who are trans but want to question someone who uses their position as a streamer to dispel myths about what being trans is like, responds to questions about her life as a trans person, responds to critics in a far more polite and patient way than I would expect from someone in their twenties, and

I’m not villainizing you. Now who’s using the victim snowflake card?

Not sure where you are getting your population statistics from. I’ve seen a range of estimates for population, sometimes with more MTFs but never more than double let alone “overwhelming”. Anecdotally, the FTM peer group is just as big as the MTF peer group at my local LGBT community center. Maybe you are sensing an

Just in overall personality.

I just wish there were fucking ONE story of someone ‘Ron Swanson’-ing about their transition

Okay, I’m sorry. What you said touched a nerve and I reacted in anger. Not sure how that’s hubris though...Quick to anger, maybe.

So, basically, you disdain people who have difficulty handling what life throws at them. Someone is not a Type A, gung-ho, “I can deal with any shit” person? Someone is confused and put upon, maybe depressed and frightened? Well, fuck them.

But that’s the choice you’re making. It’s not a great choice to have to make, but make it and own it. Either hide who you are and keep your lifestyle

Where does the subject of this article indicate she is a victim and should be treated as such?

Man, you are one cynical bag of shit.

victim/snowflake mentality

More a biology thing. Unless you get started fairly early, it is an increasingly uphill battle to “pass” as female because Male-to-Female HRT does not reverse:

Transguy here. I second that. There might be slightly more transwomen, but it’s a very hard population to measure.

Transladies tend to be more visible because, in terms of secondary/cosmetic traits, female puberty is easier to reverse than male puberty. For instance, taking estrogen doesn’t stop facial hair growth, but taking testosterone does give you a beard (in some dudes’ cases an even fuller one than many cis guys). By the

Adding to what the other replier said, Trans Men also tend to be less noticable because when they don’t pass people assume they are butch lesbians and when they do, people assume they are cis men.

It’s about more than “mean people” and about constant microaggressions that wear away at a person’s self-image. Being constantly misgendered, having your gender questioned and then, straight-up people being cruel contribute to an overall level of hostility that can wear a person down to nothing.