
First of all, I want to thank you for the amazing candor and courage in sharing your post. I have this effect on people - folks just feel compelled to tell me their stories, and I know it's not easy to share a story with a complete internet stranger, let alone the bajillion folks here on Jez. So for that - thank you.

To play devil's advocate: what if the institution pays more for those donors simply because the demand for donors with those specific traits is greater?

But aren't we ALL a little cray-cray? I mean, really. I'm actually half-Japanese, half-watered-down-Irish. When I sang in a regional chorus, one of the other sopranos was of half-Chinese, half-watered-down-Scottish descent. I thought we were destined to be mortal enemies b/c she was my polar opposite.

I should have added: test scores? Hobbies? Height? Could've given a rat's ass. Medical history is important, but people can lie, too. And what's the point of medical history if, in most cases with anonymous donors, you never have further contact with them after the cycle? Most egg donor agencies aren't hounding their

OHSS basically causes a build up of fluids within the body that then leaks up INTO the chest, not out; the article words it weirdly. Essentially, severe OHSS can kill someone by suffocating them from the inside should the fluid get into the donor's lungs.

There's hardly anything racist about hair or eye color. Now, race - well, that could be construed as racist. As someone who is pursuing family building with an egg donor, we initially had these characteristics in mind: brunette, Caucasian or of Jewish or Asian descent (I'm half-Japanese, my husband is Jewish), and

no love for "the fountain"? boo-urns.

Ah yes... Paranormal Activity 4 - where they manage to resurrect the dead horse and beat it again.

I am amazed, that in the age of social media broadcasting, that no college student has yet deliberately pledge a Greek organization with the intent to expose their practices.

I want to put a shout-out there for BBC's Lyse Doucet - her reporting over there has been tireless and just generally awesome. I've been enjoying the bits I've been getting from her on NPR and BBC World News in the mornings.

I'm still amazed at how much of a clusterfuck this was for NYC, when Boston/Gov. Patrick had declared a state of emergency shortly after the blizzard warning was issued. I don't think I've ever seen Boston so efficient in clearing up the city, and we got 18". Hell, we even managed to not have anyone killed by a snow