
It’s supposed to be an oxymoron because it's fucking stupid. Benevolent racism is thinking all Asian people are just naturally good at math and all black people are good athletes.

Bernie should have taken a class about race & gender about 30 years ago. This is basic stuff. He’s choosing to lose.

Fixing economic disparities would help all poor people, and marginalized groups are obviously poorer. I don’t deny that. But I’ve studied enough post-Marxism to know that it rarely acknowledges racism or sexism. The authors that do try to shoehorn it in aren’t respected in their own fields. Those fields are run by

Yup. He’s got one note. The economy is all. There is no recognition of how bulldozing economic disparity levels will still have racial and sexist disparities.

As Kaba recalled, survivors of domestic violence often have a simple request: Please make the violence stop. It’s a request that the current system isn’t set up to provide...

First, thank you for your contribution to women’s health and safety!g

You would offer to get a vasectomy so she doesn’t have to do all that work anymore unless she genuinely wants to do it for her own health knowledge.

Have you offered to get a vasectomy?

NBC, Fox News, and Politico headlines said something happened. They said Maisie Williams was involved. I didn’t click.

Now playing

You clearly didn’t watch the South Park GoT trilogy. You should! It’s excellent!

This is really compelling, if and only if she can strategically contrast her observations with Trump’s bankruptcies. Hammer every benefit he was born with and got because of his name.

Please don't just head down there. Ask the local organizations what they need. You might be far better off staying put and running a fundraising campaign or hosting awareness sessions. The list at the Texas Tribune is a good start!


You make a living wage as a teacher??????

Why would Chelsea Clinton interview Ivanka? Chelsea works at NYU. She’s not a journalist or anything approaching a TV personality.

According to Woodward’s “Fear,” Mother said, “You got what you wanted, Mike,” and walked away from Pence when the election results came in.

We do another survey, too. The CDC started the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey in 2010.

You can go to her campaign website and see she’s for Medicare for All. You can also go to congress.gov and see her votes on the safety net. You can also email her campaign and ask about her positions.

This is absolutely a logical reason to create public policy. Protecting people from other people’s choices is exactly why we create most public policy. We regulate businesses because the people who run them will put profit over people if we don’t.

At the conclusion of that hearing, the courtroom’s recording system was still on after the parties to the dispute left the courtroom, and Russo could be heard saying, “What did you think of that? Did you hear the sex stuff?”