
“The jury agrees that we would like the plaintiff to go away forever. After careful deliberation, we decided that he likely has ten years left, and only about 1,000 people liked him before publication and could possibly have their opinions moved. Our calculation is $.01/person/year.

I’m not sure if this is what you mean, but billable rates typically cover your salary, overhead for the project, and profit for the firm. That whole $842 doesn’t go to the lawyer.

Ah, to be young and irresponsible!

I’m quite good at walking away from the table, probably because I figure I’ll lose. But I did once bet against myself on horses, and the woman at the counter was all, “I don’t think you want to...” and I insisted I didn’t care.

Yup, we’re fucked.

I'm greyed like the rest, but I always love you.

You should ungrey Arnheim.

I went back to see if you're ok. I'm so hoping you got the results you wanted, but if you didn't, I'm here for punching or yelling.

Dudes could maybe try to stop being fucking gross.

Wearing a bikini =\= “visually available” or any other kind of available. That’s the whole point.

It would be the hard line for polling, but it isn’t the spread. We were both wrong, and I don’t think we disagree!

I'm so sorry for your loss and the brutal reminder. FB sucks.

And she specifically apologized for doing so, to her credit. I hope this goes under “people who were famous teens got weird once and everyone forgot after 25 hours.” :)

The problem arose when she focused on Simpson instead of the media. She apologized for that, but again, she knew how that worked from the worst personal perspective. It was odd.

Ok, I’m going to be that gal. :D

I agree that would have been a better response, and that it’s easy to dissect responses to lengthy and edited interviews.

I thought the original comment was kind of odd because Portman is very open about her experiences being disgustingly and disturbingly sexualized as a 13 year old because of her work in The Professional. She’s talked about how that messed up her sense of self through things like countdowns to her 18 birthday. She


Isn't Presidential Harassment what trump does on his Twitter to other people every day?

Considering my familial inability to keep plants alive, it’s entirely possible my plants are still suffering a witch’s curse from a previous generation.