
How much did you get paid to promote this horse shit?

Because you touch yourself at night.

So every time my Husky decides to hit mach 10 chasing her tail on the bed while the wife and I are at work, we can be notified? Seems legit.


Too bad his music sucked.

Weird. I’ve been writing software on Acer laptops for about 9 years now, and at $1500 is has outperformed every laptop that is it’s hardware equal.

Is he going to be a whiny bitch like every other movie about him?

No, I don’t.

LOL, the Apple fan girls are out in force it seems.

The article title is misleading though.... Apple has NEVER had any ideas, they steal ideas then sue the people that came up with them.

It means you’re not important enough to be offended. You know the feeling, I’m sure.

Incorrect, they use @google, not @gmail.

How many millions did you bring in last month?

Maybe for small business, start ups, the like... as in, you know... Coffee Shops.

No one of importance cares.

Does it also account for the fat fuck redneck that won’t sit the fuck down?

Found the fatty.

If you use GMail as a means of professional communication, I assume you sell coffee for a living.

That’s nice fatty.

Never had an issue with them, then again I also didn’t get the cheapest line they sell. This is basically just poor people being poor.

Don’t be sad, fatty.