
I think they were going for a "Barry tries to be happy, eventually fails miserably" storyline, and Patty was one of the ways he tried to be happy? By smooching? …That's how I read it, anyway.

They've been building up a "Barry thinks he'll never be happy" current - he's said he's felt a void in him ever since he didn't save his mom. Being in a relationship with Patty didn't make him happy, his dad left - he said "everyone I love leaves me". It's not improbable to think that Barry could think the solution to

I liked Patty well enough, but it's clear that she was only on the show because Barry was trying to prove Thawne's statement of "I know you, you'll never be truly happy" wrong. He was trying to find happiness via a relationship with Patty, and it clearly wasn't working - their relationship was cute enough, but

Barry's gotten faster, and this Thawne still has a little while to go before he finds out Barry's name.

Barry's mom's death being a fixed point in time means that Flashpoint is definitely happening, y'all.

It's the best Eobard backstory and also the one more appropriate for the show! This way we have ~parallels~ with Eobard idolizing The Flash and Barry idolizing "Harrison Wells", and Eobard replicating Barry's accident to give himself superspeed, but also to give Barry superspeed!

I do wish they'd gone with the "living paradox" explanation for Eobard still existing, but I (somewhat vainly hope they're saving that for the eventual return of Tom Cavanagh's version of Eobard.

something something power cancelling cells?

Harder! (RIP Eddie, long may we remember the punching bag scene)

Just goes to show that Cisco is the superior love interest for Barry.

I like Barry too, but I was like GO, PATTY, BE FREE, PURSUE YOUR DREAMS.

Flashpoint, bruh. Barry saves his mother, he gets a bad future. (And I mean that's honestly my top candidate for what could happen next season)

What, a C grade? I'd give this episode an A. I loved it. Sure, the Patty stuff wasn't great, but the rest of the episode was a RIDE.

I actually gasped

My thoughts exactly.

Just gotta say that I called the Luisa/Detective lady smooching!

I grinned at Rebecca and Josh's reprise of West Covina - golden lighting and all. The original reprise at the end of the first episode is what got me on the 'okay I'm watching this entire show' train.

His interviews are still leaps and bounds over Fallon - compare their interviews of Lin-Manuel Miranda. Fallon basically fanboys the entire time, but Colbert actually asks good questions.

I've been using captions for most of the episodes and I think they either spelled it as "Kira" or "Kee-rah" - I don't exactly remember, but it wasn't just "Kara"

Here's hoping Bizarro thinking Supergirl is "very bad" is actually normal Bizarro-speak.