No one famous (at least I don’t think he is)
No one famous (at least I don’t think he is)
Not that I am anyone cool or popular, probably the last person on any sort of list. But I would not block him, for this exact reason. He contacts me, I report it. Rinse, repeat. If anything to simply have articles like this to remind everyone of what happened in the past, and why you don’t want to see him in the…
this. the Movie Tavern I go to now has reserved seating. It is glorious! We like to sit half way back on an isle as some of us need ot use the restroom after hour 2 of a movie and don’t want to disturb anymore than we have to.
Seems like the EULA on the app states they can send video to their servers and share it with a 3rd party.
Seems like the EULA on the app states they can send video to their servers and share it with a 3rd party.
Let’s all hope that those cops with the Punisher sticker on their cars (have not seen this but apparently others have) are those few good cops that when they do see corruption in their ranks go after it with vigor.
Yep. ctrl+c to copy, and to pull up the list, I have ctrl+`
Here is one with “Top Gear” like shots. Unfortunately, I can’t find the actual “race”. But you can see the shots and the feeling they were going for.
My wife has this. I don’t realize it is going on until she changes tempo. I have been able to tell when she is happy, angry, sad, confused, excited, etc by her tempo. I for one am ok with this bouncing leg tell she has.
Can’t speak for HHF, but I work for a large company and we do it in-house. We have a “news department” with anchor like employees and camera operators etc. Our quarterlies have broadcasts and interviews and these “funny” videos that no one likes other than the people that wanted them produced. We all “gather round”…
Any recommendations for a good sunscreen for a very white bald male to use? Something that has no or very little smell to it (I start stuffing up around almost any perfume). If it helps I tend to have oily skin and don’t want to get worse.
REALLY late to this but...
Very much so. I run it on a few Win10 laptops without issue. I would rather have function over form in a clip board manager. I’m not staring at it for much longer than to hit “ctrl + `” type what I need to paste, and hit enter.
If it is anything like my old bank & SD Box, it will be a drill and a couple hundred bucks to replace what they drill out. Call and ask before you go. You have to bring documents to prove who you are, and knowing banks they probably vary from bank to bank.
Ironic safety is the best kind of safety.
My favorite, and I have examples right here, are these emails, and they are in a reply to the thread for the same question they asked and I answered. I usually reply back with the answer and for future reference please scroll down.I’m gonna try your reply next time.
I agree with everything you are saying, but I am not sure why “and the canister has to be emptied after just one room.” is a bad thing. It literally pulled everything it could and that filled it up. Or are you stating the canister is too small? We have 2 vacuums an older Animal (at least 7 years old if not older) and…
I agree with everything you are saying, but I am not sure why “and the canister has to be emptied after just one…
Ya, we have a “Flavia” coffee machine at work, and it is free. Crap coffee but free. I was thinking of cutting the bags open and using a press to see if I could do better. I then realized the ground would be off, and it would take like 15 of the packages to make coffee.
Ya, we have a “Flavia” coffee machine at work, and it is free. Crap coffee but free. I was thinking of cutting the…
Well, you could do just that. I don’t think it would be be what you would want unless that window is really close to your door and you had speakers outside the window.
Well, you could do just that. I don’t think it would be be what you would want unless that window is really close to…
Just put a stereo in, shrink wrap with a Bic sucks. Wish this deal was last week.
Just put a stereo in, shrink wrap with a Bic sucks. Wish this deal was last week.