Talk with your GP. Depending on your RX plan, you can get the generic for ~$4 at the Pharmacy.
Talk with your GP. Depending on your RX plan, you can get the generic for ~$4 at the Pharmacy.
Talk with your GP. Depending on your RX plan, you can get the generic for ~$4 at the Pharmacy.
Talk with your GP. Depending on your RX plan, you can get the generic for ~$4 at the Pharmacy.
As someone who has a flashlight that does ~900L, the BEST feature of it is to be able to output ~60L. I only need the 900L mode when I fell like lighting up a large field or try to waive down an airplane.
As someone who has a flashlight that does ~900L, the BEST feature of it is to be able to output ~60L. I only need…
Most of the use I get out of mine is an impromptu cat toy. But it is still fun and a multi-tasker at that.
Most of the use I get out of mine is an impromptu cat toy. But it is still fun and a multi-tasker at that.
I was going to answer this (I got one as it was a good deal in a pre-order on Amazon), but I could not remember WTF I did with it 15 minutes after I had tried it on, said ,”nope” and started playing the game.
I was going to answer this (I got one as it was a good deal in a pre-order on Amazon), but I could not remember WTF…
I work for a large company (>170k employees not counting contractors) and this is very common among the VPs and management in general. They got it from the lower guys and the simple fact that it is cleaner to fist bump than hand shake. Less sick days = more money.
When I worked IT in the medical field, this was very very common among us and the medical staff. No one shook hands. when I first came on board, I asked about it, and that was exactly it, germs. Along with washing hands all the time, and coughing/sneezing into the crook of your elbow.
There is a guy in my office that has a name like that. He is constantly “fixing” others spelling of his name. The bad part is that he does not seem to get why everyone spells “Michael” differently than “Mykull” (to use your naming examples). One of the admins took him aside and explained that his name was “special”…
PureNexus works fine on this phone and seems to be getting regular updates. I have one of these (from almost new) and it is a great phone. I’m not saying go buy it, just that it isn’t always the end of the world when the manuf. drops support for a phone. It has another year on it, at least. It might be enough to get…
PureNexus works fine on this phone and seems to be getting regular updates. I have one of these (from almost new)…
I use 2 A119 cameras in my car. They run off long USB cables, you just need to route the one on the rear windscreen efficiently enough to get back to a power source. Personally I have both plugged into a battery brick you would use to charge a phone, and that plugged into a quick charge car charger. That way I can run…
I use 2 A119 cameras in my car. They run off long USB cables, you just need to route the one on the rear windscreen…
In Texas it isn’t legal (yet... I believe bill 228 is trying to be passed that will make it legal in certain circumstances) The hardest part on my side isn’t they are passing me, it is the constant lane changing by cars in the traffic I drive in. Add someone who is (illegally) lane splitting to that, and it is a…
As a driver of said vehicles, with these other drivers and their vehicles, I can attest that they also do not use said reflective surfaces to check lanes they wish to enter.
I “wave away” that thought by assuming that all of these movies have a subplot of testing all humans to see if they are worthy of the alien’s communications. If we can’t decipher their language, we are not worthy/ready to.
I “wave away” that thought by assuming that all of these movies have a subplot of testing all humans to see if they…
I found my USB prototype the other day cleaning out drawers. I worked for the company that the guy who invented it worked for at the time. He handed them out and used us as testers. We all took one, and pretty much put it in a drawer. The only people I ever saw using it, used it as a password creator via random bar…
I found my USB prototype the other day cleaning out drawers. I worked for the company that the guy who invented it…
Have not had Google do this, but Twitter will get a bug up its ass and ask me 5 times in a week everytime i open the app if my email address has changed.
Swipe is definitely something you have to work at to get smoothly. Some days it is smooth and I get all the words quickly. Other days I can’t anything to work. It does take time, but once I forced myself to use it, when I have to type something on my SO’s phone (who does not use it) my word count drops significantly.
The only reason I can think of is to setup something that randomly turns them off or on when you are away so it looks like someone is home.
The only reason I can think of is to setup something that randomly turns them off or on when you are away so it…
The ONLY redeeming factor on the newer Charge is that you can replace the bands. I ended up replacing mine with one off Amazon.
The ONLY redeeming factor on the newer Charge is that you can replace the bands. I ended up replacing mine with one…
Isn’t too bad of a deal (which they are now back in stock for $116). I bought 6 @ $150 when they were going for that price. Only one failed, and was promptly replaced. Now if those 8tb would come down, I could fill up the other 6 slots in my FreeNAS box.
Isn’t too bad of a deal (which they are now back in stock for $116). I bought 6 @ $150 when they were going for that…
I think it is the same people that decided Jr. High should start at 845am, but not have bus service to anyone within 1.5 miles. So my 11yo daughter gets to walk/bike 1.25 miles while crossing 45mph roads (one of which a kid was hit by a driver deciding the sidewalk was a great place to drive and almost killed 2 weeks…
Definitely. My father is the active one, healthy, constantly wanting to go out and do things that active people do. My mother was always “skinny fat” and never exercised. She now has Diabetes, can move around but is always in pain. She is also now over weight due to not keeping up with her Diabetes. She only recently…