
And the child was reunited with his parents rather quickly. 

There’s a reason they’re so quick to remove infants from care over suspected medical neglect.  Because that medical neglect can turn into death or brain damage so fast at that age.

This was essentially a freebirth, not a homebirth with a liscenced midwife.  The “midwife” should be charged as well.

It was clear medical neglect and the state did the right thing. It wasn’t the homebirth that was the issue it was the refusal of medical care for the infant who had a life threatening condition.

The child is no longer in danger and is back with its parents.

From what I’m hearing about clinics and the ethics behind sperm donation it makes a lot more sense to use a relative on the fathers side or a friend. That way you have that person’s medical information available and they’re already family so there’s no questions when the child asks, and it’s known who their siblings

These people would love to go back to the baby scoop era.  They’d make it illegal for teenagers to have custody of their own children if they could to encourage adoption.

Even with that, the human body is pretty bad at giving birth. Without medical intervention a huge number of women would die. Even with all the medical genius in the modern world women die.

They’re wantabe influencers.  Some of them get upset because they don’t end up being featured on the show.

Of all the people that I would expect to be inclusive it’s Judy Blume.  The woman was making waves before the wave pool was invented.

They want the baby scoop era back.  I wouldn’t be suprised if there’s a law passed in one of those states making it easier for the state to take custody away from teens.  Maybe not allowing teens to have custody of their children at all so they can have more access to babies to sell.

You see it a lot with mothers and their sons. 

Exactly. where is the insurance lobby.

Vaccines.  Outlaw the flu shot

I’ve only been to shows during previews and haven’t had an issue.  I also haven’t gone to any jukebox musicals on purpose.

I blame the ushers for not kicking those people out.

Francia is one of those actresses who has been playing teenagers for decades. She was in The Secret Life of the American Teenager back in the day.

The first season or so of Grown-ish was fine but the college students just all had way too much money. They moved into a huge house by the end.

There really hasn’t been that much that they’ve done.  It’s just that everything they do is amplified X200 because the media can’t stop amplifying everything.  So instead of a couple interviews and the book we got 8,000 articles about the book and the podcast and that they went to dinner, or that they haven’t gone to

And probably worse when there’s a divorce.

Her mother is delightful. Her niece (Samantha’s daughter who was raised by her maternal grandmother because of abuse) seems great also.

Not just rationalize, but encourage it.

And it’s not just other 40 year old women following their advice it’s those women pushing it on their teenagers.