
They’re going to stop teachers from talking to kids about abuse next because it takes away the control of parents.

Banning early sex ed makes it easier to abuse children. Which I think is the point.

They also seem to think that telling kids about things makes them do it.

There are typically puberty sessions in 4th and 5th grade with the nurse where they separate by sex. They discuss hygiene puberty and periods.  It’s too late for many.

and loads of dance competitions filled with eight year olds doing hip thrusts while dressed in rhinestoned briefs and bra tops (which are often bras bought from Victoria secret and then rhinestoned.

It’s more laziness. The choreographers just called people they already knew instead of actually looking for south Asian dancers and they know Alex Wong.

It’s super lazy of the choreographers to not be bothered to look for South Asian dancers.

I get it, Alex Wong is contractually obligated to be in every televised dance production.  But there are other dancers.

And while teens won’t be doing anything because Gweneth said to, it’s almost worse that this shit it pushed twards their mothers who will then in turn push it on their daughters.

And is this going to be included in the educational versions.  Because having to go out of your way to use AI to write your paper is much different than having it baked into the program that the kids are using to write in class.  Back to pencil and paper?  That sucks.

And it takes 5 minutes.  That sounds like a long time

Then the Snoo was recalled because it killed babies.

And they act like Netflix is some outlier for canceling shows like every other service isn’t canceling all their shows.

Netflix has far more variety than other networks, most notably content for women.

But she markets herself and her lifestyle and encourages others to follow in her footsteps.  She’s going to get someone killed.

Which is so damaging because people will follow her advise and they will die.

The sunflowers.  So pretty.  Then the bus. . . .

Mando powers, but basically he has to be one with the sabre

It’s also a maybe.  It’s not if we kill her we will be able to make a cure, it’s if we kill her we might be able to make a cure.  Her death is part of an experiment because of a hypothesis.  If they murder her and there’s no cure then she loses her life for nothing.

Not a much bigger hit show. Wednesday season 1 is the number two English series on netflix ever.  The Witcher season 1 was the eighth (season two isn’t on the top ten list).

It was in Boba Fett (watched last week).  It gets heavier if he’s fighting against it.  He has to use his jedi powers to make the sabre part of him basically.

And in the second season of Brazil we had a guy tell his girl that he didn’t love her and then was shocked when she wouldn’t go thought the wedding.

And, in the first season of Brazil one of the girls showed up to the reunion pregnant by another contestant.

Brazil is a hot mess, but oh so fun and the weddings were

I think they should put him in that tiny place with the low ceilings that Harry lived in before and right after he got married.