She’s just something he covets, and he’s someone she uses.
I’ll be interesting to see how they worth though this moving. Snow really is a selfish main character that you can’t root for. No one is really rootable in the book.
She’s just something he covets, and he’s someone she uses.
I’ll be interesting to see how they worth though this moving. Snow really is a selfish main character that you can’t root for. No one is really rootable in the book.
Davidson and Snoop fighting over Martha.
There were hundreds of cops there. They did nothing and are still in their jobs and refusing to take accountability. I can’t imagine.
Oh, it’s a raw deal for officers spouses also. I’m eternally unemployed (and I’m a teacher) because my resume looks like swiss cheese. We’re fine financially but I can’t even get an interview many places because I’m a military spouse.
Enlisted families are moving less these days and they’re modernizing their views a bit. However, they’re still often stuck in dead end military towns and the military still views spouses as a tool as opposed to equals in their own right, expected to pick up the family and move for even short assignments and schools…
Traveling internationally + Anti-Vax never ends well.
It’s actually really kind to Ariana. She says that she didn’t get along with Ariana because she was jealous. That’s pretty typical of someone her age, it also doesn’t portray Ariana as a nasty piece of work.
The high risk people in these cases are those who do a lot of rubbing on other people. Which is why they’re targeting gay men who are rubbing and kissing strangers. I suspect that students living in dormatories along with teachers of small children and those who work in fields that require touch next.
The elderly can…
It’s like they’re doing everything they can to ensure that more women are murdered.
He’d probably be ok with that one. He doesn’t believe that he’s in an interracial relationship.
Exactly, they’re married and pregnant by 20. Then the girls end up babytrapped with no education or way to support themselves.
They get married early so they can have sex and then get divorced three years later because they grew up and are different people.
Oh, they’d love to go after child support though.
Power hungry and also they’re getting really high on the media attention and the outrage they’re creating and the cheers from their loud fans. If the numbers from Kansas and the antidotal stories from Indiana are to be believed they’re shooting themselves in the foot. No one actually wants the government to have…
What they really want is to get rid of child support and alimony. They want their wives to stay home with their kids and then get none of their combined income when they divorce.
The divorce rate has gone down. The divorce rate was so high because of all the boomers getting divorced once their kids left the house and they were able to.
It’s interesting to see different shows that have talented young people to see what happens to the actors as they age. Some shows will have everyone be very successful, some will have most become total disasters.
This is a problem in all areas of the arts and sports, anything that has a coach/director type situation. Abuse gets results so it’s allowed or encouraged or seen as normal. It starts in dance classes for six year olds and on the baseball field.
They discontinued it. I haven’t been back. The loaded tortilla soup was a burrito bowl with added deliciousness. Amazing
He got himself fired. . . .