
God forbid they get those kids some ear protection.  It’s not like small kids haven’t been upset by the noise everytime they have done one of these for generations.

It’s a huge deal for people who have student loan debt for things like culinary school or people who just went to school for a year and are saddled with debt for the rest of their lives.

What I would like is to see people limited to paying back just the loans that they took out.

Kenan is going to be there forever.  He’ll take over for Lorne when Lorne retires.  Sketch is his calling.  His sitcom was fine, but he was born to do sketch comedy.

She should be like Lousia from Encanto

I don’t know about how long it’ll be gone.

It’s going to be a hard pill for these rich white men to swallow when their teenagers and their mistresses can’t get an easy abortion, and far more of their daughters have been getting abortions than they even know.

It also ignores that abortion is the solution to an unwanted pregnancy and adoption is not. Adoption is one possible option to parenting but it is not as simple as those who throw the word adoption around is (and you still have to go . That abusive

The tragedy is the unwanted pregnancy.  That’s what women regret.  What’s really tragic is when (like Casey Anthony) women want an abortion and are denied one for whatever reason and then they resent their children.

It’s netflix, I figure it will be 8 max.

Fandoms are so so toxic, I worry about what it’s going to do to these young stars.  It’s the worst for stars who are taking on book characters and then if those actors dare to not be white it’s even worse.

Those directors obviously got off on torturing their actors.  So many of the actors from that show have talked about how traumatic it was, from being waterboarded to uncomfortable nude scenes.

Nicole Beyer should be in everything.

American Auto has promise. Grand Crew and The Young Rock are both very good.

Mr Mayor tried.

Grand Crew is good. It deserves more hype. 

Is it doing well internationally?  I don’t get it.

Agreed, she seems like a young adult who just got her phone back and is pissed at her parents for taking it away. Which is basically what she is.

She seems appropriately rebellious considering what she’s been through. She seems much more sane than Kanye and no one is insisting he needs a conservatorship

A Ukrainian Grandmother could beat that cheeto down with a wooden spoon in five minutes he’d be crying under the table.

That I could see work, I’m also fine with a desert that’s clearly labeled (the pot brownie).

And you can replace half of the meat on the menu with beans or peppers and they’re not a fake food.

I like it. I also appreciate that she announced that she changed out of the dress after the red carpet into a lookalike.  It fits the theme to me.

Blake did it the best.  The bussle was amazing and when they undid it there was even more glamor.  She understood the assignment.