
None of this surprises me. I’ll keep it vague but I live in the area and one of my close friends actually dated one of the people named in this article for a brief period. And he was a MASSIVE douche.

Seriously, you couldn’t take 30 seconds to google Giganotosaurus? It’s real, it was discovered in the 90s,and its name means ‘giant southern lizard.’

I don’t love the big gap in the middle of the flag, but I do like that this is basically Peggy’s version of Steve’s first modern outfit (Battle of New York).

That Jurassic World picture...it’s gotta be a therizinosaurus, right?


I hate to be critical of this site in its sad, slow, decline...but I like the cleaned-up version of this article didn’t actually address any of the editor’s notes.

Well, this sucks. i09 was basically my homepage for 10+ (can’t believe it’s been that long) years. Now that it’s borderline unusable, does anyone have any suggestions for sites that cover similar things? I need a replacement.

Same. Same same same same same.

Lol I think your list is better than the article

Oh, wow. There’s goes any interest I had in this game. =/

To be fair, that is exactly why Christopher Pike (the author) chose that as his pseudonym.

My thoughts/hopes exactly.

Just wanted to say, Iron Man 2 is one of my favorites as well. Happy to see it get some love.

I agree that any one of a dozen little tweaks could have improved this costume. Every time I come back to it I notice something else I hate. Why would you not have any webbing?

Oh my god it hurts me how perfect this is.

Damn. That would’ve been simultaneously infuriating and awesome.

I’m actually kinda sad Keaton is coming back, if only because Jeffrey Dean Morgan played Betfleck’s dad, and he would have made a fantastic Flashpoint Batman.

I love Godzilla but WHY did they not use Gamera!?

When does it get to the humor?

You are correct! I don’t know if it was used elsewhere, but it was in Batman Annual 25, which follwed Jason after the reality-punching brought him back to life. The issue itself was also in the Under the Hood paperback.