I'm talking in terms of camp ethos and wackiness, not quality.
I'm talking in terms of camp ethos and wackiness, not quality.
"Get Good" is a relative term. I always enjoyed it for what it was.
For some reason Max cuts the guy loose in the middle of the night. There’s no precipitating conversation or anything.
That's a completely separate author.
Oh, no, I'm not sure Salem was ever good. But if you're wanting for crazy, you can do worse than have a crucified woman vomit nails all over a congregation — and that's just episode two.
I dunno. Salem and Gotham both have given it a run for its money in terms of dramatic camp sagas.
heavy hitters like Farmiga and Nestor Carbonell
I thought it was a pretty decent filler episode.
we have Bellamy and crew choosing to blow up the water generator to save some "slaves"
Does this indicate that the Av Club will be covering Underground this year?
I very recently saw Alessandro Juliani for the first time in his guest-stint in Continuum, which I loved, so I was very pleasantly surprised to see him here. Too bad it was for such a small part—he's great.
Otherwise, I really like that idea actually.
Uh, that's either a joke about the This Is Us pilot, which I've not watched properly (though I've watched it closely enough to know that it does feature Justin Hartley walking off the set to some show), or you're unaware that he's a regular on This Is Us and therefore seriously unlikely to be coming back to the CW any…
Yeah, a failure to tow the line of the hard right doesn't suddenly make a show a political opposite.
The Newsroom, The West Wing, Supergirl.
A version of this show starring comic book Ollie would be considered commercial suicide.
Fourth option: Aida uses the framework to upload her consciousness to Radcliffe's body. Hilarity / panic ensues.
Agent Davis has actually been on the show since Season One.
I feel green with envy.
Let's be honest, that's frankly not true.