Well, red submarine. It's Russian.
Well, red submarine. It's Russian.
I'm half expecting a pair of giant fans / vacuum cleaners to pop out of her wrists, Inspector Gadget style.
-I’m sorry but that knife that hit Daisy did like a figure eight in the air to get to her.
Hell, five years ago, most shows wouldn't have done it at all.
I'd also bet decent money that they'd have made Raina a regular if they could have kept her around.
Yeah, except this show actually has strong characterisation and character driven drama.
It's just good.
No, fuck you bro. We don't want you.
This didn't feel like the season premiere of a long running show's final season.
I'd argue that the integrity of the individual episode is often fairly… loose. Each episode mostly has characters turn up and move the plot along to a cliffhanger, rather than trying to weave each of those plots into something that achieves a greater tonal, thematic or emotional weight.
You're telling me that there are no single adults in all of Riverdale? No one that wants to cheat? Or, fuck, help her with a broken down car?
That's nonsense. Why not hook an adult, if she needed an alibi?
I'm really hoping we will at some point catch up with Beau but I suspect we may have to wait for Season 3 for that given that he doesn't show up on up IMDB as being down for season 2.
Other forms of work do exist though — the continued existence of the bar suggests as much.
The show strikes as nihilistic enough for her to return as a repurposed corpse, though. That kind of twist is also completely within genre fiction's wheelhouse, and I can think of at least two occasions where it's happened on other shows.
Well yeah, and that's part of what I like about the show. But it's tough to watch the Resistance characters at this point, since all they're really doing is murdering the people they ultimately want to save, or driving the conflict to the point
The show's beginning to run out the clock on, look, not explanations, but providing an actual basis for the drama. A thesis. People don't just invade; they exploit with a purpose. And until the show explains that purpose, or even hints at it, it's going to continue being stuck in this incredibly generic rut that it's…
Great news. I'm holding out for an Incorporated renewal, but this is really great news too.
The actress is six foot, and a boxer. She's only been sharing scenes with other tall people — once she encounters the regulars, it'll be more obvious.
Game Of Thrones is also heavily rewritten in the editing bay — something that really started happening in Season 3, as far as I understand. Any thematic or narrative intentions created by the scripting is completely thrown out the window.