
All writerly decisions are arbitrary, but beyond that.

I reckon she's real, and is one of Dr Strange's clones — he had to implant new personalities into the clones, right?

Can't you learn to share?

There have been gay characters on this show since day 1. Question yourself as to why you're so bothered by gay men rather than gay women.

It also challenges the ideas we have about empathy, I think. He's a paedophile, but we're encouraged to care about him because he's bitterly vulnerable and human.

He's 19, and he was definitely a fucking nonce.

He's not underage, even by American standards. And they weren't planning on taking that information to the police, they were planning on shaming him online — messaging his contacts, telling his parents and his workmates. He'd be completely fucked, and probably beaten up for it. At least.

Uh. Don't get your hopes up, anyone.

A stands for asexual.

Barnett's in exactly no danger. He's a regular presence in the UK, and is Tony Award nominated. He'll get regular work easily, though perhaps not in the U.S.

She's been in Black Mirror before — she's in 15 Million Merits, briefly. She's the pop star that everyone's obsessed with.

It was 2 shows. The other one was Tru Calling.

We've become so used, in this Golden Age of Quality TV, to TV shows that are great right out the gate we kind of act like this is normal

I think, despite everything that we give Firefly these days, if the series aired exactly as it was, today, it would be absolutely savaged by critics. The show's structures and pacing are passe, and there'd be lots of claims about how it "failed to distinguish itself".

Yeah. She's meant to have retained an essential self-ness beneath the personalities, beneath the wipes. She's meant to only be changing superficially.

Blame Tara Butters and Michelle Fazekas. They're the ones who couldn't plot Reaper or Agent Carter worth a damn, and they're the ones who showran the second season of Dollhouse

It's episode 10 or 11 in the first season. IIRC, he then tries to drive her to suicide, and is only unsuccessful because her handler intervenes.

I imagine that the writers want to do it, but the network fucking sucks.

Two women on top of a dude, with another dude sort of waving a hand over Ben Barnes' chest. He was the sex equivalent of a lollipop lady, or one of those people who waves glowsticks at landing planes.

True Blood struggled a bit, though. When Lafayette speech about wanting his own relationship, for once, in the final season, seemed beamed directly in from the writer's room.