
Which has largely been the point of May's current arc.

I think "preachy" is a dangerous road to travel down — I think these kinds of think pieces are an important tool for criticism, but not when written on autopilot — but I've not enjoyed the dude's writing for a long time.

Yeah, they were both cast on new shows.

Poor Sava. Forced to write Agents of SHIELD reviews. I weep for him.

The best Iris scene I've seen in the show thus far anyway.

Well, also Trip was cast in another show. I'm amazed they got ten episodes out of him.

An adaptation can't turn a male character into a female character, MBeaver22?

Yeah, I'd love to actually talk about this show — the things I like, the things I don't — from a basic critical baseline that's accurate to the show. As it is, that's impossible. The fight to establish that baseline overwhelms any attempt to actually talk about the show, rather than the other, fantasy show that people

Agent Carter would beg to disagree.

Well, I love the show, but it's very different to other super-hero shows. It depends what you want, really.

Perhaps. I'm entirely certain that it's deliberate though.

Wait, so Cold shoots Barry with his magic gun, he and his Dad celebrate "capturing" the dude, and then leave the building. Like, but they didn't kill him, and he would have defrosted pretty quickly anyway — so he's not really neutralised. And when he does defrost, he doesn't make any attempt to go after them? "Welp,

Yeah, but the implication is that, even though he might be confused, there's an intentionality to the humour. Which supports my point.

Well done Bruce Wayne. You made him go and delete his posts.

You mean after this episode? I don't know — you can see the reflection of the craft in that last .gif up there. That's two for two.

And I agree, it is often funny, but that's because it so often utterly fails at what it's trying to do

. Do you really think that Captain Military Screams-a-lot is written to be funny?

Comedy = Pain + Time

Yeah, exactly. It's a case of her almost acting on Intrusive Thinking — similar to her suicide attempt back in Season 2.

You don't think that Arrow is a Batman clone? I feel like it's really heavily riffing on Nolan's work.