The Food and Wine Hedonist

I thought you said you weren't going to read them any more.  You didn't like how I implied that Sarah was catty because she was fat and ugly.  For what it's worth I clarified the next week that she's catty for reasons not having to do with her being fat and ugly.  I now only find her to be garden variety annoying.

Patti LaBelle?  SEriously?  THey could've went down the street and go a bigger icon - WIllie Nelson!  The challenge would then be - roll a bigass joint, smoke it with Willie, and THEN cook.  In my recap I thought Ed would still win that.  But apparently Paul would.

You see that "I'm gonna kick your ass" glare he gave?  That mandible was locked down.

Or microwave them

She could've chopped it up and said it was tartar. (Bev would've called it sashimi)

Heck with Nyesha… I'm going to miss Twitchy!  Anyone else notice that she was pounding beers in the background in a bunch of scenes?

Twitter was abuzz with cries of racism - of course, all of the tweets were from Asians.  There's still some creative editing going on here.  If you take each "no Asian" comment on it's own and look at facial expressions (which I did when writing my recap), it's not too bad.  We also don't see if they were reactions to