Jonathan Badger

Not to mention Lisa Simpson, who sees to be basically the only competent person (with the possible exceptions of Dr. Hibbert and Professor Frink) in Springfield.

They were just a rip off of the Immature Radioactive Samurai Slugs consisting of Picasso, Warhol, Rockwell, and Grandma Moses.

True, but I was talking about how even their computer division was longer lived than just the PC-clones labeled "Tandy" — the T in TRS-80 was "Tandy" (the other part was Radio Shack)

So being anagrammatic it's an act?

The whole "atheists are okay so long as they don't get all vocal about it" rather reminds me of the similar argument about gays - the point that the argument misses is that the whole reason these groups went from being depicted as vile depraved weirdos to an accepted minority is that they stopped being silent.