
Lol, why wasn't this in the game in the first place?

I wish the head models would be from TF2 so we can see our hats.

Damn what a push over dad.

Well as long as it's not 30 FPS.


Grand Theft Sims

No the game was fucking horrible on release, shitty net code, last minute internet add on, terrible gameplay tweaks. And we waited almost 2 months for a update that barely fixed anything. THQ learn how to make a proper fucking game. This is my last THQ release date buy ever.

dude you are 15 years late

Rickson Gracie! Bas Rutten! Hope they are playable! MOAR LEGENDS PLOX

I'm proud, anyone who think it's dumb or a waste of time I say well you should stop watching movies because they are dumb and a waste of time as well as tv and music.

Valve you rock my world. I wish every company was like valve.

Recall, come into any Apple store for a free exchange for a reinvented iPhone 4 and a free bumper.

Hopefully they don't go with the one that looks just like the Wii's home screen.

That ain't no arcade cabinet. Astro City cabs are where it's at.

He may like or dislike games but I don't care. He's a money hungry prick.

@simply_androoo: Go kill yourself, wtf have you been playing? Final Fantasy?

Daigo vs Cole was awesome, during SSFT2HD

I'm gonna iron that patch on my Jansport backpack!

They look the same as MW2s controller. They should've changed those analog sticks, they were horrible.

Xbox 360, because it's cheaper and parents won't bitch about the price.