
My god, I knew they were pushing a new COD every year but I guess sequels are all they are going to push out, no new ideas.

Actually they had something just like this for Bad Company 2.

OMG YES PLEASE! I'm dying for MGS3 and substance subsistence intergral...etc those mini games are fuckin awesome.

Yes I will, definitely buying this game now, thank you Dark Energy!

Not gritty enough.

Oh no he fainted

r u a wizard?



Update: It's 1080p now.


wow ubisoft bitches stick up your asses.

they should remake san andreas with a new engine.

Don't really care about the 3D features. I really like the remakes of classics, old GameBoy games and these new titles such as MGS, SF, and such.

I just recently watched Prince of Persia and he was only naked for like 20 seconds? A hype much?

I still don't understand how many of these figures wasn't made years ago. Where's my Gordon Freeman figure or my Team Fortress collection?

there is no controller

Wow PoP collection, excellent. Also +1 on Silent Hill, never got to play any of the series.