
I started going grey at 18 and have never looked back. I am in my late 20s and have two perfect grey streaks that frame my face (a-la rogue in xmen) grey can be awesome

Name of the show?

When I was in college if a student mentioned suicidal ideation they were made to take a leave of absence for a semester (which, for a variety of reasons often caused more harm then good). The administration’s logic was that they didn’t want the liability.

Ah, sorry my internet reading skills are off today—read that as a sincere question

one party consent

It depends. Hedgehogs often like the darkest, smallest, hidey-hole they can find-so unless your yard is super well sealed and you are constantly watching your friend, letting them roam in the backyard isn’t a great idea. Especially if you live in an area where any of your neighbors (or you) use any type of pesticide

It depends on the type of hedgehog. The ones pictured here do not make for domesticated pets. On the other hand, I have a domesticated hedgehog as a pet and she is a perfect companion and very happy (and hates wide open spaces). They do require more care than, let’s say a hamster, but if you are willing to get the