
Tricking someone into conceiving a child is despicable. I don’t know what explicitly qualifies as sexual assault or rape in this instance, but this is most certainly tricking someone into doing something sexual to which they did not consent. Sounds like it to me.

It’s a powerful image, but one that could be interpreted in many ways; either way, the important thing here is that it was HER choice, both to have that IUD, Have her child and have her tubes removed.

I had a recent conversation with a female coworker who had stopped taking birth control pills and hadn’t told her partner. She wanted a child, and she wasn’t including her boyfriend in on that decision. While it doesn’t include an increase in risk of HIV or other STIs, it does change what her boyfriend had

Preston, thank you so much for this piece. It is disgusting to think that somebody could be so careless and demonstrate such disregard for another person’s bodily and sexual autonomy. I am appalled at the lack sex education, respect and ignorance that people display. Stealthing is absolutely sexual assault, make no

Jesus, politics existed before 2016, you know. The FN has been on the political scene for 30+ years.

Somebody’s marketing director checked the ratings demographics and changed course really damn quick.

I would still find it reasonable.

It seems try-hard.

Yeah, I am ambivalent about this role for her. She grew up in a wealthy family, is super wealthy now and was never the type of person anyone would mistake for a maid. Let’s be clear, whether in Mexico or America her wealth allowed her privileges and exceptions to bias and prejudice that no other poor (or even middle

No shit. It’s literally unethical to hoard that much money, yet she’s still asking for us to grant her the credibility to play a soulful Latina healer. Blow me.

Well it’s always the outliers that get all the attention. 95% of my neighborhood owns guns and they don’t shoot up schools.

Oh wow, so sorry for the loss of your friend. I’m glad you’re ok. You sound like a good person for taking care of your ex. You are surely a better person than me. I wouldn’t piss on my abusers if they were on fire.

“a nasty and condescending billionaire”

Yes, and about as subtle as a sledgehammer.

Once upon a time, I made a friend through Al-Anon. We became close because we were both divorcing our alcoholic husbands at about the same time, leaving us both single mothers living in the same area. My alcoholic ex became fairly obsessed with me—calling me all the time, begging me to take him back—and he had been

Safety planning, support groups, connections to legal advocates for protective orders. Even just someone to talk to so you can hear that yes, this is abuse, and no, you don’t deserve it, and no, you aren’t crazy. Leaving the relationship is the most dangerous part of a DV relationship. Getting help at any stage can

There is nothing masculine about hurting women.

very true, but i think the term itself is traditionally more about the intent than the effect.

Not sure why the stock would go down. The gun worked as designed.