Opa Brummbaer

I just wish that they hadn’t already been forced to take the new ones off the market. I would gladly buy one right now, if the incentives were significant enough. As I told my wife, the car itself is still inherently good, just not as advertised.


My wife and I scrimped, saved, and did without a lot of things for over ten years in order to buy a four year old 2003 Porsche 911. It was and has been the fulfilment of dreams. We are now in our late 60’s and drive the car regularly and very “sportingly”, unlike a lot of other older owners. I do most of my own

I have always maintained that my one true prejudice is ignorance. Stupidity can’t be helped. Ignorance is a matter of choice. I hate ignorant people. (and pity stupid ones)

Battleships are awesome. However, so are trebuchets and petards but I don’t think there is much of a case for bringing back any of them.

Judging by the amount of rust on the hull and forecastle in the photo, it would appear to be rusting away just about anywhere it is currently located. And, is that really a giant hole?

That’s not silly; merely foolish!

996’s rule! We love ours and wouldn’t trade it for any other Porsche past or present. And yes, we owned a couple of the air-cooled 911’s in the past while living in Germany.

Buy it from Amazon

Or vice versa. Which came first?

Spark plugs, 1958 Dodge Custom Sierra with Spectator Seat and 361 in³ (5.9 L) Super D-500 V8. In order to change the back two plugs, my Dad and I cut two 3/4” holes in the fender and used a very long extension with a wobble connector on the end. When we finished, we went to a plumbing supply store and bought two

One of the reasons that I “accepted” termination from my job as a car salesman was because I told a nice elderly couple that reminded me of my grandparents, that their current pick-up was in great condition and that they should wait at least a couple of years before trading it. They were thrilled with my honesty and

Totally awesome! This should win some kind of an award, both the action and the posting.

I think the BMW Outhouse would be a good match to the Nissan Privy’a.

I liked my G’pa’s saying: “Let’s don’t and say we did.” Every time I see the Toyota add saying “Let’s go places in a Toyota” G’pa’s rejoinder comes back to me.

It was the Spring of 1969 and I, a young Marine Sergeant, was taking my brand new German wife on her first road trip of the American west enroute from Chicago to San Diego. Our transport was a beautiful white TR3B with red vinyl interior. Second day out, we were bombing along some unknown state highway that bounced

Now playing

No, I’, old. I have no idea what this dinosaur thing is about and I have watched a lot of kid’s shows starting with Howdy Doody and Winky Dink.

Actually, we were all paid the same and it was more like $38 a month, not a day. I enlisted voluntarily in 1965 and received the same pay and treatment as any draftee. As to Hackworth, exalted though he may be in some circles, is just another opinion. The M151 replaced the M38 which was very decidedly a lesser vehicle