Opa Brummbaer

Didn’t used to be! Ref. my earlier post, the M151 cost about $35K in today’s dollars.

To begin with, I freely admit I am comparing apples to oranges. Having said that, I can attest from over 15 years of exercises, patrols, and most importantly performing duties as an FA Surveyor in Germany, Fort Ord, and the NTC at Ft. Irwin, the M151A1/A2 could do everything depicted in the Oshkosh video and more.

The one bike you failed to mention is the Harley Davidson Dynaglide. Also, earlier FXR’s. They have an extremely low saddle height (24.5 - 27”) which allows two foot riding for even the shortest rider. As you noted, the cruiser riding position is not for everyone but I feel you exaggerate the comfort factor or lack

In the world of “what ifs” I suppose that could be argued. Another point that I failed to address was that any vehicle moving into traffic like he was should have had a ground guide to prevent this sort of thing from happening. There were three people in the vehicle; a LtCol, a SgtMaj, and a SP4 driver. The MP report

FWIW, this isn’t strictly a female issue. I endured a similar situation when I was a student driver, except that the male driver was a very aggressive homosexual. The same touching, movies, porn magazines, invitations to shower together, open masturbation, etc. I put up with it for three weeks before I complained to

I started riding when I was 25 years old back in 1971. Generic Japanese bikes and a couple of Brits.

Totally impractical, drinks diesel like a frat boy drinks Bud-lite, slow and uncomfortable. But, it can go anywhere hauling a decent sized load and the looks are timeless. When I was stationed with the German II Korps in Ulm Germany, I got to drive these on occasions. An absolute blast to drive.

You are far too immersed in your on-line culture. Its goggle not google you nit wit.

Uh, its a friggin movie! Not real life.

You sound a lot like a punk kid with a laser.

Reference different gauge railroads, this was a factor for Nazi Germany and if memory serves me correctly was also an issue for Napoleon. Several different approaches to this problem have been considered and developed in the past, primarily in a quick change of the wheel carriages from Euro (narrow, relatively) and

hie then unto your local Walmart and purchase one in whatever flavour you desire.

The only thing that sounds prettier is a straight eight! Unmuffled of course.

As a matter of health, I seriously suggest you get all the rat/mouse stuff out of the cab before you do anything else. Then clean the hell out that corner until all the urine and feces is gone. If you can still smell it, it isn’t safe. This is a no bullshit suggestion.

Ref. reverse: I remember reading the book KonTiki when I was about ten and marveling at the ingenuity and tenacity of Heyerdahl and his crew. I was literally spell bound to the last page. If I remember correctly, he went on to do another voyage from Tahiti to Hawaii to further expand his theory of the population of

I have been a user of driving gloves since 1967 when I bought my TR3-B right after coming back from Vietnam. I have found them to be great for long distance driving and essential for grip on any slick finished steering wheel. Some might question the efficacy of leather gloves on a leather steering wheel but again I

“I’m chronically allergic to stupid . . .” Perhaps I am too full of myself but I have said for many years that one of my few prejudices is willful ignorance. Stupidity? You are born with and can’t be corrected. Willful ignorance on the other hand can be corrected through learning. Obviously, the car insurance

Simple. Attempted homicide. Racing doesn’t mean killing your fellow competitors.

My ancient uncle bought one and loved it until friends and family told him he should hate it instead. Six months later he hated it.

Oh look, look! Billy is riding one handed!