Opa Brummbaer

As mentioned in an earlier post, I had a pair of throw over saddlebags that had a pouch on the forward edge of the left side bag that was just the right size for a 5th of JD. In the states, as long as the seal is intact, it’s legal. In Germany it can be half full and still be legal unless of course the other half is

Ref. coffee dripping on your engine: I can say from personal experience that if you like a lot of sugar in your coffee, you won’t just have a java scent. You will also have a dark brown/black baked on residue that is nearly impossible to get off the headers and exhaust.

Everytime I see that 59 Chevy being destroyed to prove the obvious I get an empty pit feeling in my stomach.

In 2001 I bought a brand new 2001 Hyundai XG300. I bought the car as a family sedan with comfort, amenities, low price (comparatively) and to my eyes good looking. I was very pleased with the car from day one. About six months into ownership, it developed a minor shifting problem. Not catastrophic, just annoying. I

Hey they looked great on the 48 Buick!

I am now 68. I have only street raced 2 or 3 times in my life. However, I have always loved pushing the limits in twisty elevation changing roads. Anywhere, anytime. I had a few stupid crashes that cost me money, ego, and machinery. Until last year. I don’t know what clicked inside my head but suddenly, I decided not

I drove and almost bought one of these while in Germany. It would have been a replacement for my beloved CX2400. The C6 was the most wonderful car I had ever driven at that time. The luxury was beyond belief. Good performance and comfortable to the extreme. If I had stayed on in Germany (18 years) I am certain I would


I live in southeast Kansas. I own and drive a Porsche 911, a Pontiac Solstice and a Cadillac STS. Between these three vehicles I am insulted and condescended to on a daily basis. If one doesn’t piss “them” off, another one will. I used to be upset by this until my son wisely pointed out that if I can elicit that kind

The same can be said for most any national entity. Sooner or later it always gets better.

Personally, I think this is fantastic. While I hate to see my tax dollars being wasted, I relish the idea of the two major powers finding it impossible to afford all their wonderful toys. Go ahead guys; break the bank! Spend spend spend until you can’t spend no mo’. When the house of cards finally falls maybe we can

I owned a bike very similar to this in Germany from 1987 - 1995. Mine was repainted metallic forest green and the primary was brushed aluminum. I installed drag pipes the 2nd week I owned it. The package tray was chrome. Saddle height was a very low 25 1/2”. Talk about being deep down inside your bike! I had a pair of

I am of a decidedly older generation (68) and I was raised by three generations of men who taught me that a man does not strike a women. It was not an issue of women being weaker or in need of assistance. It was simply an axiom of the time in which I was raised. I cannot and would not give up this “code” even if I

Good reasoned response. Thank you.

Looks to me like he must have found a good sized boulder under all that saltwater.

I may be missing something here but if he is a “knob” then Sterling Moss was a knob in the early-mid 50’s, while driving various XK120’s and 150’s. Sterling even liked to wave at the crowd in mid-corner.

Until you go to buy insurance. If your not over 50 with an excellent driving record (me) you will pay a lot.

How many 996’s have you owned? I have had my 2003 911 Cabrio since 2009 and nothing has fallen off, worn out, failed, etc. In other words unless I got a very special one by chance, you are full of bull crap, mouthing the same old tired lines that I see constantly on the web about 996’s.

As the happy owner of a 2003 911 Cabrio, I couldn’t agree more.

Whoop T Do! If you take a look over the Pacific, you will notice a totally electric solar plane crossing it on it’s way around the world. That is impressive as the Pacific is noticeably wider than the English Channel.