bets that i dont
bets that i dont
good article and i’ll try it people should realize that greek plain yogurt in fact beats out eggs for protein per square inch the egg is known to be high in protein but for a long time the protein was thought to be entirely within the white part. not the case of course just under half of the protein is in the yellow…
stick to sports
rather have a aperol spritz by the pool if you know what i mean
whats so funny carboi
this story is so goddamn lame and built ONLY for the ghetto of twitter it is astounding that this many stories were greenlights on this place
who is obama
why protect anti-American subversion by non-American interests when other exceptions already exist mr purist? why allow enemies of America the freedoms intended for Americans? why provide them leeway for their attacks? don’t lie... rule 1 = honesty is the best policy, America was founded on that.
It’s not my job to garner interest for the articles here. My intent is to entertain myself, “The Sovereign.” Stick to sportz.
hello, immediate look at this pls.
the incelibate voluntaries around here could stand to not make light of appearances, turnabout is fair play
great another activist judge rules in favor of anti-American propganda outlet looks like we need another American hero like Hulk Hogan brother this is a horrible ruling but it doesn’t matter.
anti American propaganda is not the first amendment; five years on the wall and your equipment to fight china will be a shield and an single shot musket, no autos or semi autos for you .. as you wish
cgo you are now my best friend thank you for your friendship that said, i am unable at this time to prevent your wall duty, three year stint. best i can do is get you the good gloves.
well they are doing it
u were dicussing “fleeing to canda” not applying for work permit then citizenships. pleeeeez stay on topic pls. americans, excuse me, AMERICANS cannot “flee” to canada that only works if you hail from the third world then you get citiznships and treats thank you.
jounalism has failed it is now time to accept that people dont want to hear journalists’s thoughts or opinions they are more often then not quite dumb. what the people want is a state-sponsored news organization that delivers facts to them so that they might make there own opinions. most people have souls, all people…
39 articles on splinter about some guy not liking bedbugs or something
wait r u serious? don’t u follow @cbp? just scroll through there last three dayz of tweetz