oo xx oo

Palestine is oppressing Israel.

Taylor Swift made $100M more than Beyonce this year. So much for Beyonce.

two separate subjects


Trump said he would build the wall. He’s building the wall.

Once Bernie realizes that Warren is a neocon in Bernie clothing he’ll go after her. He’s a bit slow though, so it might be a few more months.

Canada imports third worlders. If you are not a “refugee” it’s nearly impossible to become a citizen of Canada.

Other than Tulsi letting the world know that Kamalala blocked DNA evidence that would have gotten a man off death row, not really. Bernie has been pretty willing to allow DNC-favorite Warren to steal his platform and generally walk all over him.

he wishes. and isn’t funny that anyone with a new burner is immediately thought to be a troll?

Warren will immediately forget her campaign promises if elected. Bernie will fail at getting them done, but will try. Warren is the DNC’s choice.

it wasn’t a joke  ..  and that’s a good thing

I finally understand why the left considers some no name NYT hack being his petty self a huge story. It’s because he defends Israel’s right to exist. Why does the left all of a sudden hate that? It doesn’t make too much sense contextually, with respect to the left’s love affair with victims, or otherwise.

dataforprogress... lmao

you should read that in context

what ?

infinity is not a number and everything is not a definition

hello, immediate attention pls. aoc is the worst possible figurehead for the left and that is why trump is happy - some would even say very happy - to engage the entire world in the aoc +3 versus trump topic. to quote d margary: some people like aoc +3 but lots more don’t like her or them.

pls define “this”

excuse for what ?