
Nobody hates on the wine snob friend who offers to select and purchase a nice bottle to complement the dinner you’re about to feed them. (Ok, another wine snob might take offense, but that’s not who we’re talking about.) That’s what struck me early in this piece — if the author’s friends were all sending her links to

It boils down to a couple of things:

The Vox video was directed at us lush laypeople, NOT at people who already have an established preference for spending too much goddamn money on their drinking.

I am that person too. I had an acquaintance die of liver failure due to overuse of Tylenol. That stuff is serious.

cleavage themed restaurants

So, basically these men, in leather, are fighting because of matching outfits.

My grandma.
No, seriously; she has about four cardboard collector’s sleeves of the damn stuff.

i could tell you the secret to opening the jar easy, but the other men would kill me

Once when I was four, I tried to run away, but I wanted to leave a note explaining things to dear old Mom and Dad. The problem was that I couldn’t spell many words so I had to ask my mom. I made it to “I am run” before I broke down in tears and my blessed mother had to hug me and gently take away my suitcase. Later,

I did this as well. I made it to my neighbors house, where she made me tea and gave me cookies and called my mom. I told my mom when she arrived I felt I had lived enough for the day, and that I could accept a ride home. I was 4, and yes I was an old woman trapped in a small childs body. After that I regularly had tea

Its hard for me to watch American Idol because there’s a waterbug on my channel changer.

Ok. But my point, and I think the point of a lot of other women, is that there’s actually a divide between what people find attractive and what people want to have in order to consolidate their social status. The 36 - 24 -36 ratio might be the most attractive to the most number of men. But that doesn’t mean that those

Exactly. The age demographic is way too narrow to generalize from, I think. I dated a Very Attractive Man a couple of years ago, and was rejected (no surprise, he was “looking for someone younger” who he could “guide” and “teach”; so that would never have worked out, but man was he hot...) But I had already had one

Your post demonstrates exactly what is wrong with the way evo-bio is exploited by popular audiences. Ok. So people are motivated to pair up with the most attractive person possible. So health and wellness and vigor universally play into attractiveness. That’s all fine an good. None of that has anything, inherently, to

Definitely that, plus what are we looking for here? For a fling, the most important things for me would be 1) is not creepy/asshole, 2) looks. For a serious LTR, looks matter fairly little, but shared values and goals, enjoying each other’s company, ability to weather difficult times, etc, etc, matter a ton. If you

Thiiis, At 120 I got hit on! And at 130 guys made me feel like I was lucky they were hitting on me. And freaking 130 is still incredibly thin, tbh. I could tell they were *actually* attracted to me, but wanted to make sure I knew they were making concessions since I’m not PERFECT. Were these men physically perfect?

I can’t relate to this because no one has ever rejected me.

Its a function of age and experience, too I find. I personally was a bit of an elitist when I was a young cub, but I finally reached that point where looks come secondary to all the other wonderful things you can find in a partner to enrich your life. I just wish I had figured that out sooner.

I’m going to be up all night fretting about whether they have any way to tell if their male soldiers are still virgins. How can we trust the morality of such dirty, dirty men?

Broke up with boyfriend of 3 years over the phone (LDR) because I couldn’t let him spend thousands of dollars on a vacation for us when I knew I didn’t want to be with him anymore. Proceeded to get black out drunk at a dive bar with my two best friends - and I mean DIVE bar. Like the lights were harsh, the bartenders