
Breath of the Wild has its hooks fully into me. It took about a dozen hours for it to click, but now that is has clicked, the game is pretty much all I can think about. The basic game play loop of finding a tower in the distance, figuring out how to climb it, and then looking out in all directions for interesting

My son will sing (sort of) and mimic along to Yakko doing Nations of the World and practically has memorized a handful of other songs. I'm not sure which of us will be more excited for this to come back.

This. is. awesome.

Continuing on in Paper Mario Color Splash. At this point, I'm pretty sure I won't have it done before the Switch is here so I'll have to make the tough call whether to push on through our put it aside for Zelda.


Yep. I figured that to be the final boss, but I guess I'll find out. I did read that it's a real step up in difficulty from the prior fights, so I'm not thrilled to hear you confirm it. I don't really have time these days to get stuck for long on a single part of a game, so hopefully I'll get lucky.

I'm on the last boss of The Last Story , so I should knock that out this weekend. Although I've read there is a difficulty spike for the boss, so hopefully I don't get stuck on it for too long. I'm looking forward to seeing how it ends after the twist of the identity of the last boss .

I'll give that a shot next time. Thanks!

Yes! In fact, I've tried to join a few times over the last several months, but I always ended up getting placed in a separate room and I couldn't figure how to fix that problem. I think one month I even raced heads up with someone for a bit before he apparently figured out how to fix the issue. If there's some trick

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