
The BEST would be to run into an opponent you hate while wearing a t-shirt that made fun of them, which they don’t realize until you’re already taking the photo. Like this guy.

Umm, the green ladies actually look like them. Whaaat?!!!

As someone with three older brothers, I can confirm that childhood is essentially an amateur WWE production.

I was ready to grump about the justice system in my state, because part of me thought he’d walk because he targeted women who would be hard to believe...

She’s not wrong that stress will make you sicker. So will taking the 90 bajillion natural/holistic meds she’s got in her drug closet — I wish I could find a picture of it. It’s truly mind blowing.

Kristen Wiig is funny but she doesn’t get enough credit for her dramatic range.

your art department doesn’t get paid enough

I bet you she is more salty that two swanson dinners and a bowl of ramen.

“She’ll sleep with anyone”


I will always ungrey Hoban Washburne. He’s a leaf on the wind.

Yes, I know that. Thank you, Penis.

It’s odd to me that these awful people think the books are about witchcraft. They are about friendship and bravery, and standing up for what you believe in even if it means you might get hurt, and (honestly) about making sure you are best friends with someone clever who will always have your back. The kids have some


This is the best written show i have seen in years. There are level of meanings buried deep into it that i am still discovering. And the fact the center “love story” of the show is not Jessica and Luke. but Jessica and Trish is beyond awesome.

Look, it’s racist to say that large groups of people all look alike. Unless they’re white-trash nouveau-riche cult-living honkeys, because white-trash mouveau-riche cult-living honkeys all look alike.

A lot of us conservatives are, in fact, mostly focused on smaller, more efficient government on every level, genuine transparency, anti-corruption, national security, the mechanics of capitalism as the true social engine of change, and the like, with the maximum amount of choice in life reserved for the individual.

what in the world did you google to get this?

On one occasion after a little butt sex, I went to Barney’s to try on clothes I could never afford. Proceed to let out what I thought would be a small “toot”, but what ended up being a literal avalanche of Santorum flew out of me and ended up all over what $4200 Gucci or what-have-you pants I was trying on. Haven’t