
I think Jake floated the idea of adoption in a drive by line when talking to Amy at the end of the episode, I’ll have to rewatch when it gets to hulu. Fully agree with the thoughts on the Boyle/Rosa story, sucks when characters are made dumb for the sake of a throwaway story.

Ahh I hate these people that hate things!

“No, see, he was just checking to make sure he had his keys.  Another case of the media...” - Some aide somewhere

I love this universe and the people behind it, I can’t wait, I’ll watch damn near anything they do and want more.

> as someone who owns a gun and uses it responsibly

Askren also talked a HUGE amount of shit before the fight, he loves being a troll, and for a site that loves to go on about McGregor’s pre-fight antics you managed to leave out Masvidals comments about that right after the section you quoted: “There’s not too many people I’ve disliked, I’ve had over 50 pro fights and