
Perhaps you’re just...

No, the most important thing to remember is that shaming him is the approriate response in a free country, but that a state institution singling him out for for deplatforming is unconstitutional, and that a bunch of cretins dressing up in masks and assaulting random people because they don’t like him is fascism, even

You can’t shame the shameless.

He’s English.

“His existence shows how misogynistic, racist and transphobic this country.”

There was a time when those union rust belt guys would have voted Democrat. If they still did, we wouldn’t be in this situation.

Well, how do you tell them? I am a man, and yeah, you probably should say something, but there is a right way and a wrong way. If you ask for additional oral or hand stimulation, that’s great. But if you say, “You didn’t get the job done, I’m leaving,” that’s the wrong way.

To me it is such a sexist vestigial remain. Like, she wasnt elected, she isnt getting paid for the position, but she is still expected to do a whole bunch of work because her husband is President. And people threw a shit-fit when Michelle Obama commented that there should be some kind of compensation for the First

(On this one thing) I am on your side, Melania; dont do any of the First Lady bullshit if you dont want to. First Ladyisnt a paid position, so I dont see why she should be expected to do a whole bunch of work.

Well, considering that would require the destruction of a mountain range to be possible... I think that if that came about, it would be so cataclysmic that there wouldn’t be any humans left alive afterward to worry what the sea level is.

Why not? When does life begin? Isn’t the line an entity have to cross to become a person somewhat arbitrary? What is the difference between an 8month old fetus and a baby born 1 month premature?

It was absolutely fantastic. Murder gives me a high unlike any other, it feels like this crisp unreality. Flashing & sparkling. Adrenaline & shock. Fight or flight mode. How do I even go about describing it. The whole thing was unreal.”

Good. They damn well deserve to be charged with hate crimes. Maybe in the future, right-wing internet commenters will actually wait at the very least 24 hours before screaming about how the police are biased against white people. Not wasting my breath, though.

Didn’t see this sorry - I agree with your viewpoint.

It’s not the publisher’s job to take a moral stance. Their job is to sell books. Controversial figures sell books. If you look for a publisher to be the morality police, you’re going to have a bad time.

You sound like the nazi - wanting to restrict books from being written because you don’t agree with the message...

I’m confused - you don’t want his book to be made and sold because you don’t agree with his message... and Trump is the nazi?

How’s that affordable housing and homeless population crisis working out for you guys?

My god will the hunt for people to blame never cease? What is with you? How many enemies do you need? Why, at the end of the election, are liberals so set on finding out-group enemies rather than looking in at ANYTHING they do or say?

They are contracted employees. I assume adult women know to read contracts before signing and agreeing to the terms. I won’t insult them by clutching my pearls that they have to adhere to their contracts.