
Oh I think they’ll still do all right without him. I saw the original cast of Les Mis way back when I was a wee lass and I continue to love it even with the many different cast members. It’s about the strength of the script, performance and performer and if a good performer is chosen to replace him on and off Broadway

With a father like this... no wonder he’s as he is. Actually... he’s worse but you get where I’m going.

Too bad he won’t be in jail longer to get the special treatment people who do the things that he did get. Let’s hope the internet never forgets and forever makes his life as hard / harsh as it should be.

What Aussies should be saying is Fucking American Government. I always hate(d) hearing friends and family say “Fucking Americans” thinking/implying that it’s the whole of us that are pro-guns against legislation. Many Americans are for tougher gun laws, etc. but money and power speak so it’s been a huge battle and not

Wait dies he still have them? 1997?? I mean I don’t blame him boobs are great!

I was thinking the same thing. (I don’t like her but my thoughts went straight to BGB, I wasn’t offended though I’m sure she’s said something sometime else that I’m probably offended by I just dont know it yet)

I’m thinking one of the Kappa gals who wasnt racist like her sisters leaked it.

So basically the tax payers of North Carolina are paying for their Governor’s crusade whether they want to or not.

My response was a two part answer. Both of Dolezols parents are white. Their parents were white. So on and so on. She can identify with african americans and pretend to be of african decent but she is not and never will be one. Simply put, she’s not african american nor biracial.

And just for the record, I’m not

I was never scared of primates until that one time on a mountain in Thailand. Being confronted by one with sharp ass teeth woke me up. Then seeing stories like “I Survived” where they showcased this woman, another one who got mauled at Chimp Island - she decided to face her fears and got attacked anyways, and another

Ask for no ice no water in whatever cold drink you choose or you will get cheated.

How dare he say that? That’s an insult to Lucifer.

Yeah but you gotta keep working out to keep those muscles. Stop and this disappear (as witnessed in his snapchat photos)

I think everyone should get their non-trans friends and family who may look androgynous etc to enter these bathrooms and sue the hell out of the city then donate the proceeds to lawyers who will sue the hell out of the city again.

OMG I think I just officially got old.

For a “punk” of the 80s/early 90s and as someone who has tattoos, had piercings all over, hair color/styles, docs, bomber jackets, you name it I was on it... I generally love seeing kids walking around with a style similar to mine from the past in any kind of rendition... but

Southwest “ neither condones nor tolerates discrimination of any kind” except if they’re speaking Arabic or Muslim apparently. FU Southwest and FU silly scared woman for pulling such a jerk move.

** Just read another instance of someone being kicked off because of a headscarf. Their response? “We are not in the

She should have ended it with “Everybody is a human being. We should be able to coexist with one another.” By continuing to speak and assuming that she heard what she said and wanted to clarify it... she made herself look like a bigoted intolerant ass instead of someone entitled to their opinion/belief/what have you.

So she’s basically saying... all the good jobs go to short ugly jean wearing gals? Meow!

Ha. I kid. (or do I?) Either way... oh Charlize, sigh.

For that snotty tweet... I think imma go out and buy some Bey yoga pants. Given Lulu’s dislike of curvy women wearing their items anyways I think it’ll serve them right if everyone else did so as well.

Is anyone treating it like a joke though? I think people are horrified at the possibility but aside from making sure to vote, nothing really can be done.

CVS is well known to have cameras pointed down the black hair care product line and has gotten in trouble for locking those products up only behind security gates.

Anyways... not that I advocate theft but what they’re saying to people who do is if you want to steal... take a white friend and while they’re watching