
Me too!

You know!!! I’m just glad they’re starting to (slowly) get caught/prosecuted.

Didn’t you hear about Daniel Holtzclaw? He just got sentenced for more than 250 years for all the rapes he committed on duty. When it finally came out (he targeted people he figured wouldn’t tell) I don’t believe the city fought it as much as they’ve fought this woman’s case. ::sigh:: I agree with you 100%

And I live there now with my husband and his family for a good chunk of the 2000s. I’m in the states for a holiday atm. But you’re trying to tell me that Aussies don’t completely change names, add zs or os and or use madeup nicknames? I wish someome would tell the folks around me because im a bit over not being called

Sorry you’re all butthurt I shortened her name. Thought Aussies were down with that. Wait... they are!

I’ve a few friends from NZ and i agree its miles ahead of Oz in many regards. I’m American - my husband’s Australian. I live in both countries. And yeah even most sane Americans are looking at what’s happening in our politics with disgust and other things... and feel the very same way as people outside of our nation

Blacks, islanders and poor are treated like shit in Aussie hospitals as well, cops dont shoot but you’re often looked upon like a criminal or worse in the outback and don’t get me started on your political folks... Abbott, Paula Hanson to name a few just as bad of not worse than some of our politicians. Oz isn’t all

I fell asleep that should count!

Which airline?

Guy probably saw her waiting and had fake uber sticker in his windshield. Rolled up and asked her if she was waiting for an uber. Folks have to make sure theyre getting in the right car right name and right plates. An opportunistic creep like this one bets that one out of many wont.

They also pass up black riders, won’t drive to certain areas, pricey and some (quite a few) have crappy attitudes. As long as uber/lyft is around, I’ll never take a taxi again.

I watched it. I would have lost my ever loving shit. It wasn’t funny went on for too long about 6-8 minutes and all I kept thinking is what if by doing the things they did the plane actually accidentally started to fall. Not kool.

I’d like to ask the father now... was it worth it?

Some video shaming I’ve seen and though I’m not sure I’m 100% for it, some were not that bad, there’s a fine line, but cutting a girl’s hair off was too far. For a lot of women and in a lot of cultures it’s their identity. And you know how ulta-hormonal teens are (male

I’m GLAD that they’ve moved away from the books. Was getting tired of folks who read the book spoiling what was to come.

It looks like a heart or a Superman logo. Maybe it’s both!


The woman killed an animal with an arrow and boasted about it on fb. The animal turned out to be someone’s pet (apparently it was only out for a few hours). The woman was a vet. your dad, a rancher who I assume did things because he had to, not because he derived joy from it (I assume she did because she boasted about

Are those black hats a thing now? Because as much as most of the stuff makes me roll my eyes damn some of those hats were righteous.