
Or... just maybe he is right, and your countries youth is a pussy generation. As a fairly young outside observant of the whole pc sjw mindset in your country, all i can say it’s hilariously cringewothy. Crazy i tell yaXD And ofc there is backlash. Hell, your elections can be summed up to pc sjw feminazis pussies and

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OMG JE, first i implore you not to close your eyes and stop reading this (if you even start) after seeing first sign of disagreement from me and go through it. Because this article is just pathetic and cringeworthy. First, you have no clue how politics work, and secondly, you’ll buy anything the masters of pr serve

Awww, but he’s like the perfect dad you never hadXD

Heil Hillary does have a nice flow to it

Actually this one would be closest to truth “That’s what I get for being a dumbass and playing this dumbass game.”

LMFAO Those 4 tools have armed protection around the clock. Dafuq you people on about? If i was living in your country i too would be armed (unless i had armed guards like these 4 wankers). You will NEVER get rid of guns or more importantly, idiot thugs and rest of the societies finest willing to use them (or knives,

They sure are fucking retards of the highest order, but... so are the dumbasses that play this shit. Pokemons LMFAO

Nothing good or useful can come out of sick shit like this. If you like watching those and especially if you get aroused by them, or if you are interested in watching real life sick shit like stuff that’s on liveleak then fuck yeah your a sick fucker. Violent criminal or not.

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It all starts in ones thoughts. If someone gets a kick from sick shit like this, fuck yeah there is a chance he will some day act upon his fantasies. That shit is just wrong and shouldn’t get publicity.

This guy is mashed LOL

LOL at Tim Kennedy and his conquistador look

Or wrap yourself in some cheap reflective foil?


14 retards agree:(

Kanye is a talentless moron, so i really don’t know how i would call his fans. Fucking retards?

Pfff, they should have hanged her or at least put her in a work camp so she is still of some use to society. What kinda demented wretch u have to be to kill someone over couple hundred bucks?

Korean girls, best girls. South Korea, best Korea.