
I dislike Caitlyn not just because of her repeated negligence when driving, but also for the fact that she pretty much abandoned her first set of kids from her ex yet was a present parent for Kris’s kids. I hate when parents do that, neglect one family while being there for the next one. It’s so fucked up. She also

“ Joan was also 16, perhaps stoned, possibly traumatized. She is not the villain here.”

“what it means to be young and white” in America, a question to which we already know the answers


It seems like this is the general state of things—there’s money to be made, but the beauty industry is too racist to take advantage of it. Just like with larger women (many of whom would pay good money to wear gorgeous clothes) and the clothing industry.

I’d say that nearly half of women come back from getting a shampoo, look in the mirror, and say, “God, my face is huge.” :(

Well I guess since Bobby didn’t want to do literally ANYTHING ELSE to make a costume, not a wig or an appropriate shirt, blatant racism was the only way to go.

It’s still the reputable tabloid. They totally orchestrated this with Ben and Jen.

I highly suspect that they worked with People on this. That would explain paps just happening to get this pics at this time, seemingly from off-shore.

And if I have to read ONE MORE article about how everyone suddenly hates vocal fry, I’ma get myself a machine gun. Everybody just fucking stop. There is nothing wrong with the way women talk and write. Gaaaaaahd.

Those poor Christians! The underrepresented majority. It’s not like six of the nine Supreme Court Justices, 91.8% of Congress, and the President of the United States are all Christian or something!

Me neither! My best guess is that it means the writer thinks Cara’s only dating women because she’s insecure and she thinks women are more accepting, and the writer’s like, “Hey, Cara, let go of your antiquated gender stereotypes and cheer up. You don’t have to settle for women anymore; there are plenty of men with

I thought that was a given at Whole Paycheck.

Have to disagree. I went shopping at a local market this weekend, bought green and red bell peppers for 1.99/lb. I had to go to WF to get fennel because I couldn’t find it anywhere else, and those same peppers were 3.99/lb. Most of the produce was similarly more expensive than those at my neighborhood market. 100%

park me by the free samples and you’ll hear nary a peep

Can we just all agree that California has the best state flag? Bear looks like he’s on his way to chill with his buds and a couple of brews.

Fox News anchors are agents of white supremacy. What else is new?

And what Gina Gershon was to 1996.