
It is not my place to tell her what she can and can’t call herself. She has a right to that. What concerns me is that after so many years of reveling in the beauty and intellect of African Americans, when asked point blank, “Are you African American?” She conveniently walked away. Like, left her keys and wallet and

No. They would have not ASSUMED she was black. White people are admitted to HBCUs all the time. They don’t leave off “white” in the race box on the application as if it’s understood that everyone who applies/attends will automatically be black. That’s not how any of this works. If they believed she was black, it’s

i love, so much, that her parents, more or less unprompted, blew up her spot.

It’s about trusting that you have exactly the amount of information that those involved want you to have, and knowing that pushing for anything more is selfish and nosy.

It’s somewhat incredible how terrified people are of being labeled “racist,” even if they are total racists. It’s like people are in a competition to see which word can become more loaded and yet evacuated of meaning quicker, “racist” or “feminist.” How on earth can one simultaneously believe that they are #notracist

Public shaming, for me anyway, is a useful tool in blasting away someone's incorrect assumption that everyone around them agrees with them.

Not sure if trolling, will respond anyways: People that we entrust with teaching, mentoring and caring for our children for the bulk of their waking hours are certainly going to receive less slack than, say, some guy that works at Wal*Mart. Similarly, police officers entrusted with carrying out the law and maintaining

She’ll have a gofundme & interview on foxnews by this afternoon

It has unfortunately gone beyond that on some campuses, and students are using the “trigger” excuse to get out of having to listen to anything that challenges their values. He is 100% right about that. And the vast majority of college students are NOT suffering from PTSD, which is a serious condition and should not be


Legal liability? Really? How in the world would a tattoo artist be liable for giving you a tattoo you asked for on the part of your body you requested? That smells like bullshit to me.

First - Carrie Bradshaw?

It does seem as if some fairly crucial details were left out of this reporting.

Gay couples are also better at wearing glitter in nightclubs. What the fuck is your point? How is this an article??

Adam Carolla isn’t really a successful comedian. He’s a TV/Radio show host who used his fame in those areas to sell venues.

How else should it be judged? I agree with some of your points above on engaging the viewer etc. But it’s certainly presented as art.

I know she jokes about things (including her body) but I actually don’t take those comments as saying she is fat. Her saying I am a size six and the 160 pounds came off as a “are you fucking kidding me with calling me fat?”

It boggles my mind how quickly people rush to defend celebrities they don’t even know. I love Louis CK’s comedy, but now that I’ve been reading about his behavior, I’m inclined to boycott his work and support his victims. There are SO many stories about him being icky, it should take only one, but even with dozens

Kirkman’s been doing comedy for at least a decade; her first album came out in 2006.

According to the rumor mill in Philly, Meek Mill and Nicki Minaj actually were engaged, but the way he downplayed it in The Fader’s profile of him didn’t sit well with her when he made it sound like they weren’t engaged, so she was like, “K bye”