
Let that be a lesson to all of us. Like spam, if some odd email pops up, just mark as spam and delete with no response. The best cons rely upon the mark assuming that the con knows more than he really does.

A year ago when my Time magazine cover came out...

That is definitely my assumption. The only other plausible explanation is that Bill Murray signed on for the free trip to Hawaii, and everyone else signed on for Bill Murray.

I know, couldn’t those radio play writers had made things easier for us, by appropriately dropping clues through the story so we could solve along at home, and get the answer as the story reveals it in the very special, two-hour live finale.

Raisins are an abomination, put here on Earth by God to weed out the soulless among us who consume their wicked wrinkles.

Actually, no, they haven’t done their jobs. A huge part of the appeal of the early seasons of The Good Wife was Kalinda, a complex and kick-ass female character AND her relationship with Alicia. Once the feud began (I think we can drop the “alleged” at this point), they stopped doing scenes together. Considering

Raisins should not be in a goddamned cookie.

Those decisions are made by the producers. I’m not privy to those decisions. All I do know is I’m very grateful to the Kings for making the decision to cast me.

If someone had told me that was a photo of Cameron Diaz, I’d have believed it. But good for her, I’m glad she’s doing well.

i kind of love kesha, and i don’t care who knows it.

How about no? I get that some women are special amazing flowers whose menstrual blood is purer than unicorn tears, and who see their period as a way to commune with nature, or whatever, but from me, it’s one big, resounding nope.

Yeah, menstrual blood is just one of many bodily fluids that society is disgusted by. It’s not like urine, feces, mucus, and saliva are revered.

Accidental racism is the most frustrating thing about Whiteness to me. I feel like White people are so much more concerned with appearing (to themselves as much as to the world) not to be racist than with actually not BEING racist that it’s impossible for them to cop to it when it happens on accident. Like, how bad

The thing I’m most outraged by is that she MISSED A PIECE!!! IS THIS NOT INCLUDED IN HAIRSTYLING 101???

How can we get her elected to the Mayor’s office/Governor’s office and is she loaning out her cajones to others who need a pair?

Charges are not tantamount to justice but I’m heartened by Marilyn Mosby. I also will never forget what it took for us to get here.

Yup. Guru-Murthy is a real-deal newsman, and he was doing his job. I think there must have been a big fuck-up somewhere along the line, because if Downey jr. really didn’t want to be asked questions more complicated than what Iron Man likes to eat for breakfast, then he shouldn’t have been sent within a million miles

RDJ sounds like a total boob in both Guru-Murthy’s interview and the Stern interview.

Her role is a mechanism in a political machine that upholds white supremacy. Even though that role is filled by a Black woman, it’s still the function of that role to maintain the status quo — which includes sanctioned state violence against Black people. Breaking down the machine from within the machine is a feat

This is just a symptom of disease that is the in-built institutional racism that cannot be saved by the concentration of melanin in a mayor’s or a president’s skin. The rioting and looting is a symptom of the same disease. The deliberate media ignorance of what is happening in places like Balitmore is a symptom of the