
What you did is a false equivalence, too. (Really? Gakwer is like the KKK?) You just picked one that served your purposes.

My point is this...All those articles are by different people. To hold the writer responsible is disingenuous. And Gawker, while it does not have a unified opinion on this topic, they do allow and

Filtering the info through a publicist approved rag like People is basically confirming the news IMO. They wouldn’t have given him two covers if the info wasn’t coming from his reps or trusted family and friends. So he was playing the tabloid game, doesn’t make anyone wrong for being aware of how the game works and

There was nothing corrupt about it - the State must meet the burden of proof for the crime that Servin was charged with, and they didn’t. Here is a very basic description of the steps of a trial: (1) pre-trial motions, (2) the State presents its case and they have the burden of proving each element of that crime,

I guarantee that if the DA had gone with “murder” the judge would have deemed it “too harsh; should have gone with manslaughter”.

Just spitballing here, but according to my husband, they were scared everytime they left the FOB in Iraq, but they still had to follow the ROE and not shoot everyone they even suspected of being a bad guy.

Since I can’t edit my original comment, here’s a nice quote from the Chicago Tribune article on the case that made me want to see red:

I can’t bring myself to read the entire description, but if I understand correctly:

I mean.

As in a lot of these cases, the fact that the DA has to build a case against the very police force that they rely on for evidence and testimony is such a massive conflict of interest. Why aren't there special prosecutors appointed to represent the public interest in these cases?

No, he’s not.

My expectations for this are completely reasonable and tempered. Definitely. I’m not getting my hopes up at all . . . Just kidding. I’m losing my shit here.


I just want to hear Bruce Jenner say that he’s happy. As a kid who built a decathlon in our backyard and competed with my siblings to be Bruce Jenner, I hope he gets to be what makes him happy. He was amazing and defined athleticism and masculinity, so let him define what makes him completely whole.

I work in a medical cannabis collective and can safely attest that yes, actually, rolling a bunch of joints is a very itchy endeavor. That being said, Rih is probably doing cocaine, but that actually looks like she’s stuffing a blunt wrap.

Could be another example of Megyn Kelly caring about issues that directly affect Megyn Kelly....

I guess that would be more obvious to me if someone was actually harmed in the process, that we know of...

I guess I just don't understand why she feels the need to write an emotional op-ed EVERY TIME she makes a medical decision. Like congrats, Ang, but I think literally not one of us would notice you'd had your ovaries removed. It just feels like pure attention seeking and "oh look at me, I asked EASTERN and WESTERN

I love this show because it totally challenges the whole stupid notion that every single gay person is some sort of savvy, fabulous amazing person who has all the answers.

Actually they're illegal without the written consent of both parties unless there is a court order. But don't let facts get in the way of your ridiculous sperm-jacking panic.

It's not necessarily that much more expensive than it ever was (inflation, it's a thing) you just choose to make it so. Little Madison doesn't need 25 "life enrichment toys" or the latest fashions from Carter's, you can do just fine with good enough.