
Even in a progressive, liberal, feminist household like ours, there was still that idea that the woman will stay home and the guy will keep working

No, I never thought about. That's weird.

I know that feel, bro. So you can be asexual/agendered and feel no attraction to any sex...but you can still have a high libido? So...masturbation? I just want to understand because that was one major source of confusion for me throughout this whole interview.

This is where I get confused- I understand that having a low libido is not the same as being asexual, but what does having a libido mean if you aren't sexually attracted to people?

"I'd be an idiot to do that at a WORK EVENT"


Oh man, I have loved him so hard since that show with the newspaper and the cat.

This is really interesting. Thanks Tracy :)

Good call on Gugu Mbatha-Raw. She was great.

David, as the others have put so eloquently, Oyelowo. And Gugu Mbatha Raw for Beyond the Lights. Look in all the critics best-of lists for the year and you'll find that movie. Black actors put in amazing, awards-worthy performances every year, if you look.

My point is that she said she wasn't going to vote for Selma because she thought it was well-crafted but artless. All she discusses here is its artfulness, and ignores its cultural significance/the significance of a black woman director. Whereas, for other categories she discusses things other than the thing that they

Beagle ears are the best thing in the world.

Fact: Beagles are the best dogs.

I had a friend who had a beautiful pitbull, and one day we were sitting on his couch, petting his dog, and he said to me (after a copious amount of marijuana, mind you) "You know what I'd want....like, a whole coat made of dog ears. But like, not actually dog ears. But like.....feels like dog ears, ya know?"


also, this:

Oh how wonderful, yet another dogcentric post on Jezebel. If we didn't know any better we'd suspect that this website is funded by canine special interest groups.

my beagle, who will never win best in show, but has won many hearts, has the softest ears, we call them scallopini and want to put them in sandwiches. BEAGLES. BEAGLES. OH SQUEEE, beagles. sorry. dogs are just so best.


She's far outshined (and out-earned) her daddy, though.

Oh, just sitting in the office, silently weeping over this beautiful Melanie Safka cover. Nothing to see here.