Just because something is meant for a gay man doesn't mean women can't like it. Heck, women are a substantial viewership for full on gay porn. Basically, it's not the majority of women that are all about this, but it's not uncommon either.
Just because something is meant for a gay man doesn't mean women can't like it. Heck, women are a substantial viewership for full on gay porn. Basically, it's not the majority of women that are all about this, but it's not uncommon either.
Aw, this is fabulous! I hope she gets herself something nice too, because honestly—was she chosen as a POSTER CHILD for cliche, shitty jobs? Like, she works at McDonalds: ok. She works at Walmart: ok.
Girl. You deserve every cent of that. Every GD cent.
I rear ended a woman because we were waiting for people to go across a cross walk and another woman slammed into me at 45 mph because she wasn't paying attention. While I agree that most rear end collisions are the fault of the driver and it seems like it in this case, that wasn't the case in my own collision and, I'm…
I used to have a point and shoot camera that had a darker skin setting. it was AWESOME. My white friends would be washed out and they'd be like why do you look awesome? Because it's my camera and I'm not going to kowtow to the man!
it's a slightly disengenuous statement though. The editors and photographers are hardly Unaware the lights can wash out darker skin tones. They manipulate this tool when they want too, and correct it when it's convenient to them as well, when it evokes the appropriate level of mystique or exoticism for their fashion…
I know - if you want to profit from the the notoriety of the celebrity, why make her unrecognizable?!
Another question: Whose face did they photoshop onto her face? Because that most certainly is not what her fucking face looks like.
I have the opposite experience; without him I am having a hard time enjoying Community. I think the Troy/Abed relationship was too big of a part.
I heard it was more her being pissed at being paid so much less, and his insistence that the show leave Canada after he got married and wanted to live in LA. I'd be pissed too.
So what you're telling me is that it's on par with Subway, Chipolte's, Panera, Zaxby's or any number of other second-tier fast food places that don't pay their employees $15 bucks an hour. People have been paying more for fast food for over a decade now. It's disingenuous to pretend otherwise.
I love Serial and I think the only certain conclusion we're going to be able to take away from it is "Damn, the justice system is fucked up." Because regardless of WHO did it, I can't fathom how a jury convicted Adnan beyond a reasonable doubt based on the case presented.
Cincinnati style Chili is fucking delicious. You can suck a butt, Pinkham!
You really, really want to believe that justice was served, don't you?
It's partially because of the "disparity of force" argument in legal proceedings/theory. Basically, the use of lethal force is justified (as opposed to non-lethal means), if your attacker is in some way more able to use force than you are. So like, if they are way bigger than you, or if there are five of them or one…
"The looting and arson was unnecessary, but it is not and never will be worse or more sad than police willfully shooting unarmed black people."