Oomp Camp

I think Tom's comment was generally correct, just his timeline was off. If he had said "the Spurs have been spitting in the eye of anyone who utters "it's a superstars' league" for over eight years now," I think it would have been accurate. Despite having three HOFers, the Spurs have not played like a "superstars'

Westbrook is great and can get the rim like most guards that can't, but I think there is a consensus that he is not the best PG in the league. People still crown CP3 the best, as they should. Also, Durant winning the MVP doesn't make him the best, it just validates what he did for his team during the regular season.

I'll fuckin take that over "I apologize if anyone misunderstood my remarks and were offended."

Watching the NBA is almost worth it on listening to him alone. His pure insanity is great, its a refreshing break from the other shills behind a desk pimping another channel or talking about how great everyone is.

Please cross post to Jez!

I wish I was like Chuck and didn't know what The Talk was.

I love sir Charles. Don't ever change, Round Mound!

Stiviano's face looks SO weird :(

Jesus Christ that was good

Trey Wingo: "We now go live to Chris Broussard, who's in Brooklyn for game 3,with Jason Collins to get his reaction."

Can we still call the LA Angels, the Halos? Or what about the Pittsburgh Pirates? Can we still call them the Buccos? Can we call the Cardinals, the Redbirds? Just want to understand your rules. Thanks.

Did a nickname do something wrong to you or your family?

Besides calling them fuckers, you are incredibly dull.

God forbid North American sports has any organic nicknames for anything.

I'm far from knowlegdable in such regards as well, but this is a pretty common occurance. With Art Monk's camp (someone who we can all agree was a great 'skin) there's never any logos involved on flyers. And for instance, here's a pdf of different camps. No logos on helmets, just team names.

Yeah, so its a cease and desist letter on a fact!

Hahaha. Oh man. So they literally put him on a list of Redskins greats recently.

It's honestly like Dan Snyder and all the people he has working for him constantly go out of their ways to be the biggest pieces of shit in the world in any given situation.

WOW, even as a Cowboy fan, that's pretty fucked up. I wonder if they'll remove him from the Greatest Redskins list?

I feel like this could really damage the Redskin's brand...