
yeah I don’t see Hatsumi Sensei in those shots at all. =) Agreed, it looks like a more theme-park type of experience which seems pretty fun really. =)

Interesting analysis. I had not considered most of it until you point it out. I do agree with much of your observations and questions. I sort of expected this to be a tight match of what the fans already know of Star Wars. Not sure the universe lends it self to the sort of ‘reboot’ done on Star Trek. I am expecting

I don’t agree with every point or verse in this, but I agree with a lot of it. I did not like stopping Master Chief. I did not like that Cortana had ‘turned’ or been corrupted. i can sort of understand how it could be possible though. What bothered me most though is the story, what I found most interesting in the

Thanks for posting these. May not apply to everyone, but I have found some wisdom in almost every article.

The DMCA is utter bullshit that costs more than it will ever protect. We already have laws that prohibit theft of intellectual property. This is effectively criminalizing defeating the lock on your front door. Breaking and entering is another offense. Any every company who has anything they want to protect above and

I got squat. The way it reads, may only be for IOS versions of the game. I play on Android.

Hmm... I thought it was to help them look more androgynous.

You beat me to it... I was going to say “In America, every day is National Cheeseburger Day”

I am a guy, and I don’t like to talk to the majority of gamers online either. I cannot begin to imagine what it would be like for a girl.

Aww.. you fed the trolls... =)

I think it would be very fun and cool to see everyone's ingenious uses for pet doors. Some of the ideas in the replies are pretty interesting.

Those are your definitions. The term "Trolling" is not used for precise circumstances. It is subject to interpretation. It has been used by many to describe many such activities. You use some extremes, but there are some shades in the middle that may be a little harder to delineate. I guess my point is perhaps the

I have read about many of these cases. I wont pretend to be an expert here, nor informed about every one of them. But the theme is that law enforcement does try to confirm the threat is real before going all "seal team six" on anyone. They have just as much reason to not want to engage in a needless firefight. In many

Trolling is a pretty vague term. In some cases it involves threats of violence or similar harassment. I believe that is the type of things that are being discussed. Not intentionally calling someone stupid to get a rise out of them.

I used to have to do this in the Air Force. All of our toolboxes had to be shadowed like this. It made inventory of tools easier since you had to ensure all tools were accounted for so you did not leave some possibly damaging foreign object in an aircraft fuselage.

Listen, I am no lawyer, but also wasn't this server in some data center, not his residence? Wasn't this server accessible via the Internet? I don't know if it was or not, just asking. If it was a server in a corporate data center, and accessible via the Internet, even if it were encrypted and password protected, I

Does ISIS have any air power?

They look pretty all on the ground like that. Now if they can only find a plane to carry them.

Agreed. I am no lawyer, but think there are also times when a warrant is not required, like in cases of probably cause.

Interesting idea.. wonder what that would do.