
I weighed nearly 300lbs in 7th grade. Changing for gym was awful.

I’ve heard quite a few stories like this. When I was pregnant I dreamed I gave birth to a white cat and am still disappointed it wasn’t a premonition like everyone else’s.

Cooking food causes cancer, you know.

That sounds awful but could actually be good in a weird way. What is the place called? I live near Denver.

I have massive ankles and I think it makes me feet look weird. My boyfriend has these cute, little shapely ankles(I call them dankles-dainty ankles) and I’m super jealous.

My dad recently said the exact same thing about Solange. I was like... Wat.

During some late night Googling I discovered my two kids have the same names as someone’s dogs. I think it’s hilarious. (One is a classic human name and the other could easily go both ways.)

I used to be in a group where a woman asked if a magnifying glass would be okay to let her son play with. She needed to make sure it wasn't too girly. A. Magnifying. Glass.

I’m also 5’7” and I wear a 10 in men’s. I don’t even bother trying to find women’s shoes anymore.

I would open a Whitecastle in Denver.

I’ve lost a lot of weight and I have gotten so many “Well, you shouldn’t have been fat in the first place!” Comments. it amazes me.

Ooh I might need to get that book!

I have had coaching a at my former job because my boss or customers or whomever didn’t like my voice. It’s deep and monotone and apparently torturous so I had to learn how to speak more like a woman and that was acceptable. I also had a therapist tell me that maybe people don't like talking to me because of my voice.

The shaped ones already have no artificial flavors or dyes and that’s why they taste different.

I love stores that have a bunch of cart stalls so there is usually one I can park right next to(or within one spot) to put the cart away after putting kids in the car. I feel weird leaving them in the car and walking more than 3-5ft away. Like the mom police are watching.

Seriously. I lived in Ohio for five years and while I knew about Steak and Shake I never heard anyone refer to scooping ice cream as “dipping”.

I was like “How am I almost 30 and did not know that?! They've been married my whole life.”

I used to have man hair and if I ever do again it might try this. Haha I used to get called sir all the time and wore men’s clothes so I don't know why I didnt just dress like a guy to get my hair cut and get the discount.

Way late, anyway! I brought our son over and was with our daughter. I was in their dad's room and he was... I dunno. A message popped up on his computer from another girl, I don't remember what it said but when he came back more messages popped up and I confronted him. He denied any girl, anything happening, he

A few months ago I stopped talking to a long time(15 years), out of state, Internet friend because my boyfriend didn't like me talking to him. I am still really upset about losing my friend and haven't found someone else to talk to and my boyfriend gets mad at me if I talk to him. So I'm like well, see what you did?