The handwringing from this site is bad. Go back to driving your shitty saab wagons and crappy volvos the speed limit and let people who choose to have fun do so.
The handwringing from this site is bad. Go back to driving your shitty saab wagons and crappy volvos the speed limit and let people who choose to have fun do so.
har har har that good ole joke.
The Celica GT-S had roughly the same power to weight (180 hp/2,650 lb) as the contemporary Integra GS-R (170 hp/2,595 lb) and not much worse than the later RSX-S (210 hp/2790 lb). Not sure why I’m trying to bring facts in to argue against hyperbole though.
The same Jalopnik people that crashed a Camaro on a race track?
Nah, front end of the 360 was always ugly and looked like a pontoon boat. At least this aftermarket piece is aggressive.
Third-generation Acura Integra coupe. It’s not the fastest or best-handling car I’ve ever driven, but it did everything I wanted a car to do so well. It was quick and nimble and a lot of fun to drive, with a sharp, responsive feel to both the chassis and drivetrain. It was surreally reliable, and not particularly…
‘Guy wants to do donuts, couldn’t be bothered to source one of the millions of truck-motored, stick-axle cars designed for the job.’
Because it’s a user-friendly, well-thought-out Golf with just enough extra poop auto journos can call it a “performace car” without bursting into laughter. Golfs aren’t exciting to me, but unless it’s literally half as fast or actually on fire, the German car will win every performance comparo against cars posting…
People complain that there is no Type-R
There’s nothing pretentious about the name Cavalier, rather fitting actually: cavalier design, cavalier build quality, etc.
Speak for yourself, there are two S2000s in my driveway.
Like every Ferrari, through expensive rose-colored glasses.