You say that your hardtop Jeeps are “ great vehicles—highly capable, relatively reliable and damn sexy ...”
You say that your hardtop Jeeps are “ great vehicles—highly capable, relatively reliable and damn sexy ...”
300% sales tax? I think it’s more like 25% VAT.
Yeah, but the fees charged by NYC back when they were issuing new medallions was something like $20. All the rest is runup due to excitement and hopeful dreaming, kind of like with bitcoin. The profits went to people who resold when the market was hopeful and high, and they have long since forgotten where their money…
“... we weren’t expecting the Jeep to burst a hose ...” Really? I mean, I had “massive brake failure descending a mountain” in the pool, but I’m sure someone had “burst hose.”
There is one wonderful fact about this. Even with several months to massage the evidence, the Milwaukee PD came up with one bodycam record that shows essentially the whole conflict. Unlike the dozens of jurisdictions in which the camera mysteriously malfuctioned, somehow “got turned off” and so on. Still a bummer for…
There were three people in on the robbery — the other two were arrested before Moore, and cooperated with prosecutors — Koonce was sentenced to life, and was paroled in 2012. though he had lots of stuff on his record. Pradia pled to aggravated robbery, and got 45 years. He was paroled in 1997 and has been arrested…
I appreciate that he is ‘commonly’ referred to as PEOTUS (president elect of the United States) — but couldn’t we used the acronym “Particular President Elect Of The United States?” For a few days, it would give us the pleasure of pronouncing it as “Pee Pee Otis.” And that, friends, would be a pleasure.
I find it unbelievable that you confuse the Soup Nazi with Babu. But there you have it!